Page 66 of Daddy Commands

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‘These guys must hate their Prez,’ Baron said. ‘If they’ve seriously got the club members working all day in a drugs lab, that’s got to be shit for morale.’

‘Not the whole club,’ Rainer chipped in. ‘They still have property in New York, and a clubhouse. No doubt they work in shifts.’

‘Even so — can you imagine what would happen if Marcus forced us to work in a stinking drugs lab for a couple of days a week? Doubt the boys would be happy.’

It was true. If there was one thing that MC members prized above everything else, it was their freedom. Wolf had heard of other MCs using slave labor in their drugs labs. Obviously, the idea of forcing innocent people to work in horrendous conditions for next to zero pay was awful to him. But it said something about the Death Division that they had to force their ownmembersto do the work mostly forced upon slaves.

Rainer had a set of binoculars which he passed over to Wolf.

‘So, there’s a fence around the whole place and it looks pretty sturdy. Or at least, itdid.’ He pointed to a section of the fencing to the rear of the warehouse. Sure enough, there was a small hole in it. ‘I came up here late last night. Nothing but me and a pair of wire cutters. They haven’t noticed, and they’ve got no-one posted there. Should be easy for us to get in, do the damage, and get out.’

Wolf nodded. ‘It’s time.’

‘Agreed,’ Rainer said. ‘Come on boys, let’s cause some damage.’

They were close. So close that Wolf could smell it. Cigarettes, chemicals, drains.

Most of the Drifters were waiting just outside the hole in the fence. Just him, Baron, Rainer, and Crank had entered the compound.

If possible, the plan was to avoid fighting and incinerate the lab. They’d even decided that they’d give the Death Division members a heads up before setting fire to the place, so they had a chance to escape with their lives.

Crank was carrying the gasoline. If everything went according to plan, this place would be up in flames in no time.

They approached the warehouse slowly.

‘Let me just check through a window,’ Wolf hissed. He’d been surprised by how smoothly this was all going. He didn’t want to take any chances.

Baron nodded, so Wolf approached one of the windows of the warehouse and looked in. He expected to see members of the Death Division, synthesizing the evil narcotics which had been ruining the lives of New Yorkers for the past decade.

But that’s not what he saw.

The lab machinery was there. Tables, shelves stacked with chemicals, burners, flasks, fridges. This was a fully operational lab. He also saw, in the corner of the space, something that looked like an office door. Maybe this wasn’t just their drugs lab — maybe this was the headquarters of the whole club.

The only thing thatwasn’there was the people.

It was totally empty.

And that meant trouble. Wolf turned to motion to the others to hold up a second. But before he had a chance to say a word, he heard a sound that chilled him to the core.

A single gunshot. Then another. Then more and more and more.

He pulled his pistol from the holster under his cut.


‘I’m just saying, that with everything that’s gone on in the world over the past few years, I don’treallyfeel like playing a board game called Pandemic.’ Tatiana crossed her arms with finality.

Sophia was sitting around a table in the games room at the Baby Bunch with Tatiana, Jock, Molly — who was now, thankfully, much cleaner than she’d been a few minutes ago — and Marcus. They’d been trying to decide what to play for half an hour or so.

Trying to decide on anything when there were Littles involved seemed to take much longer than it should.

‘But it’s not like it’s gonna give us a disease!’ Molly pleaded. ‘Please, it’s so much fun. Plus, I really only like co-op games. I get all stressed out when there’s too much competition.’

‘Hang on,’ Marcus said. ‘What do you mean co-op? Like, we’re all on the same team?’

‘Exactly,’ Tati said. ‘Sounds boring, huh?’

‘Well, maybe not, but it doesn’t exactly sound like a board game. More like a puzzle we all have to solve together.’

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