Page 67 of Daddy Commands

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‘I think competition is healthy,’ Tati said.

Sophia stood up and walked over to the shelves full of countless board game boxes. ‘There must be another co-op game here.’

‘Nothing too scary!’ Molly said.

‘Nothing too relaxing!’ Tati said.

‘Literally anything!’ Marcus said.

Everyone laughed.

It was so good to be here. Spending time with people who she got on with — even if there was a little bit of squabbling — was helping Sophia to forget about the danger her Daddy was in.

She wondered what he was up to right now. The boys had been careful not to discuss the details of the plan with her. That was probably a wise decision. No doubt she’d be obsessing over it if she knew what was actually going on. Even so, she knew that they were hoping to destroy a drugs lab.

It felt like the kind of thing a group of vigilantes or a superhero might do. Heck. Was she dating Batman?

He was a tortured man with a dark past.

He hated criminals.

He had a super-cool vehicle which he drove at high-speed around a large city.

Okay, so he wasn’t a billionaire, but he ran his own business and didn’t seem to be short of cash.

Yeah. He was basically Batman.

Of course, Batman gets hurt a lot. She hoped that everything would be OK today. She hoped that any time now, there would be a knock at the door, and it would be Wolf, her hero, back to tell her that everything had gone perfectly. He’d tell her that her dad would never bother her again, that she was free to spend her life with him, that he wanted to marry her.

Woah. Is that what she wanted?

Just as she thought about marriage, her eyes landed on the Game of Life. She’d remembered playing a beaten-up version of this with her brother, Vinnie, in between games of Jenga. She remembered collecting the different colored pegs — blue for boys and pink for girls — in a car as she sped around the streets of the different stages of her life.

Did she want to add a blue peg to her car? Would Wolf even be interested in marrying her? How nuts was it to be thinking about marrying someone that she’d only known for a few months?

Probably very nuts.

She didn’t pick out The Game of Life.

‘Anything looking good?’ Marcus asked, feigning desperation. He was very good at playing the character of an impatient Daddy Dom, but she had a feeling that he’d have happily waited for hours if it meant that his Little was enjoying herself.

As for Jock, he was quiet today. Perhaps he was keeping his eyes out for trouble, or maybe it was his first time here too. Whatever it was, there was something oddly reassuring about his calm presence.

Sophia’s hand paused over a dungeon-crawl game. Looked like it was a co-op game of monster slaying and treasure hunting. Surely that was something everyone could get behind?

‘Hmmmm, what about something Dungeons and Dragons-y?’

‘Ooooh,’ said Tatiana. ‘That sounds good. I like the idea of fighting some monsters!’

‘Is it a team game?’ Molly asked.

Sophia pulled the heavy, colorful box off the shelf. ‘Yep. Up to four adventurers! Perfect! Plus, it looks quite complicated, so it’ll take plenty of time to play, which is good. I don’t want to think about anything apart from dragon-slaying for a while.’

It felt good to have found something that they could all play together. But as she was walking back to the table, there was a knock at the door.

‘Daddy!’ Sophia yelped in excitement.

But it wasn’t her Daddy.
