Page 83 of Daddy Commands

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‘Are you getting hard, Daddy?’ she asked, her voice soft and tender, pliant and full of lust.

‘Don’t ask silly questions,’ he said.

She felt him up on the step behind her, his thick cock now wedged between her ass cheeks. It felt heavy there, pushing her down. Without even thinking about it, she tilted her ass up and back, helping his cock find its way. He pushed in, softly, gently at first, making sure that she could cope with his tremendous girth.

Then, he started to fuck.

Slowly, they climbed upstairs together. He carried her some of the way, his cock still inside her, still moving in her.

In bed, with a hunger that was almost primal, Wolf took her exactly as he wanted her. She felt him thrust deep in her back passage, making her back arch and her eyes roll back with each irresistible thrust. Her body was his to do with as he pleased, her soul was his too. As he filled her peach with his seed, he slipped his digits over her slick clit.

It was one long climax, with one bone-shaking, body-breaking tense-and-release.

‘I can’t stop,’ she whispered, as her thighs shook.

‘Then don’t,’ he said.


When they were done, when she was still and he was spent, Wolf knew it was time. He kissed his Little Girl on the head and prepared to fetch the engagement ring.

‘Daddy, wait,’ she said, her voice quiet and shaky.

‘What’s the matter, honey?’

‘Um… this is gonna sound dumb.’

He kissed her again. ‘I doubt that.’

She paused for a moment. ‘Okay. Just know… you can say no.’

‘Um… alright. Do I get a safeword?’

She giggled nervously. ‘Just this once, let’s just say ‘no’ is the safeword, okay?’

‘I can deal with that.’

‘Daddy?’ she said, swallowing. ‘Um. Will you marry me?’

Wolf was stunned. He felt his eyes widen and his own mouth get dry. It was his turn to swallow.

Of course you’ll marry her. You were about to ask her, for god’s sake. Speak. Say something!

‘It’s just,’ Sophia said, when Wolf hadn’t managed to utter a word. ‘That first time you came into my — I meanyour— bar, I heard you guys talking about family. And it’s been in my head ever since. One of you said, “Family isn’t always blood.” I want you to be my family, Wolf. I want to be your family.’

This time, there was no grasping for words. There was no clutching at straws. Now wasn’t the time to tell her he was going to ask her. Now wasn’t that time for rings. This was her moment, the moment when she chose him to be hers. Wolf took his fiancée in his arms and held her tight.

‘Of course I will,’ he said. ‘I love you more than all of it, Sophia. More than the damn whole damn world.’ He gestured to the window, and then as their lips met again, something magical happened.

A bird — ithadto be a toucan with a beak that shape — alighted on the window frame. Its head turned left and right as it looked into the room once, twice, and then with a flourish of wide, crow-black wings, it beat its way up into the sky, into a life of its own choosing.

