Page 13 of Please Daddy

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‘There’s a guy out here, Sadie,’ I say. ‘I’m going to spend one night at his cabin. I’ll ping you the coordinates, okay?’

‘Why? Are you scared? Are you alright? Do you need me to call the cops or something?’

‘He’s a friend of my sister’s. And my dad’s, apparently. I’ll be fine. He’s just a little…’ Again, I modulate my voice to a whisper: ‘A little bit of an asshole.’

‘Oh, that sucks, I wonder why your sis sent you to stay with an asshole? And why you can’t stay in Denver, at her place?’

‘I think Vee thought I’d like to get out of the city. But I’m not so sure. Being cooped up with this guy seems way more claustrophobic than being in any city.’ I didn’t even whisper that bit, and I don’t care.

Finn is looking in the opposite direction anyway. He’s scanning the place like we’re on some kind of mission. I guess the guy can’t move on from his military days. Probably misses the adventure, likes pretending he’s James Bond or whatever.

‘What’s he like?’ asks Sadie.She’swhispering now, even though there’s no way he’d hear her on the other end of the line.

‘Tall. Big. Quiet.’ I could go on with about a million other adjectives — and not exactly flattering ones — but I won’t.

‘Is he hunky?’

I suddenly burst out laughing. ‘Sadie, that word hasn’t been used since, like 1994! He’s, um…’ My cheeks begin to burn. ‘I’ll tell you later. I’m only going to stay one night. I just wanted you to know where I am.’

Sadie and I have always done this — let us know where each other is when we spend the night somewhere different than normal. It’s not like Sadie could do much, if I got into trouble, but it makes me feel good to know she’s got my back.

‘By the way,’ says Sadie. ‘This weirdo guy knocked on my door last night, asking to check my meter. He was seriously damn creepy, like had this big scar all the way down one side of his face. He kept looking past me, into the flat, like he was trying to scope the place out. He didn’t have any paperwork from the electric company, so I sent him packing.’

‘Jesus. Was Lisa in?’

‘She was at work. I was all alone. Nowhere feels safe anymore, you know? Even your own home. Maybe you reallyarebetter off in the mountains with a bit of Daddy muscle to protect you.’

Oh my god. Sadie’s at it, too? Talking aboutprotection.

‘He’s not a Daddy!’ I hiss.

‘How do you know?’ she says, mischievously. ‘A big, strong, rugged Mountain Man. Sounds perfect to me.’ She growls like a little mountain lion, and I can’t help but laugh. Finn is starting to clear his throat now. It’s getting darker, and I know he’s anxious that we get inside before it’s pitch black. It’s not like there are street lamps in a place like this. And the light from my phone is hardly going to make a good enough torch for this level of wilderness.

‘Sadie, I’ve got to go,’ I say quickly. ‘I love you loads and we’ll speak soon, once I leave the forest tomorrow.’

‘Have fun, sweetie. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!’

Sadie hangs up, and I ping her my coordinates, like I said I would. There. I feel calmer now. Speaking to Sadie always cheers me up, and having her be able to look at a tiny blue dot on a map, and know that dot is me, makes me feel so much better.

Just then, I get a text through from my sister: 'Finn is a good guy. Sorry about hiding stuff from you. But TRUST me. And trust him. Getting my connecting flight now — speak soon! Vee x'

I immediately try calling her but she’s switched her phone off. Thanks, Sis. She probably sent the text a while ago, but I’ve had no reception for ages.

‘Right,’ I say to Finn. ‘Let’s go to your cabin then. But no funny business. Don’t try anything, Mister, or I’ll break your neck.’

Finn coughs, or maybe laughs, and then starts leading me back down the hill.

‘Careful of this branch,’ he said. ‘Don’t want you scratching your legs on it.’

‘Thanks,’ I say. My sister has said I should trust this guy. And I’ve always trusted my sister. Maybe I should cut him a little slack. But only a little.

We finally get back to the cabin, and I’m more than a little relieved. It’s getting really chilly out here. I forgot how quickly the climate can change in these places. Also, a couple of the bug bites on my legs, from before Finn sprayed me, are starting to itch pretty bad.

‘Here it is,’ says Finn. ‘Home sweet home.’

He opens the front door for me, and lets me go in first. So he does havesomemanners after all.

When I walk inside, I can barely believe my eyes. This place isincredible. It’s like something from a fairytale.
