Page 15 of Please Daddy

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‘I only need my suitcase,’ I say. ‘You can leave the sewing machine, since I’ll only be staying one night.’

Even as I say those words, I feel a strange pang. What is it I’m feeling right now? Regret? I haven’t even left the place yet.

Finn pulls on a gray sweater, which clings tightly to his biceps, like vacuum-packed meat. His neck tattoo rises above the neckline, giving a tantalizing glimpse of what’s beneath. I wonder what all his tattoos are of, and what he looks like when he’s not wearing anything at all… I’ll bet he’s got tattoosall overhim.

He goes out to the car and I dig in to the chili. I blow on the spoon, trying to cool it down, and then shovel it in. Oh my goodness. This is freaking delicious. It’s just the right level of spice for me — I like a bit of heat. And it’s so rich, so full of flavor, like it’s been stewing for hours.

‘My Grandma’s recipe,’ says Finn, right behind me. I hadn’t heard him come back in. I wonder if he could hear me making ‘mmm’ noises to myself as I ate. Well, that’s embarrassing. ‘The secret ingredient is garlic salt. And chipotle, of course.’

‘Not so secret anymore,’ I say.

Finn takes his bowl and eats opposite me. He eats like he hasn’t had a meal in years; quickly, devouring the food like a wild beast. It’s actually kind of nice to see him tuck in like that, like nothing else matters. My grandmother, since we’re on the subject of grandmothers, always used to say that a man who appreciates his food appreciates the gift of life.

‘I hope you don’t mind,’ says Finn, ‘but I don’t exactly have a spare room.’

Oh, great. Here it comes. He’s going to make a move on me. Is this what happened to my sister, too? Did she have to share a bed with you too, Mr. Man-Beast?

‘It’s only ever me here, normally, and Eric would just lie on top of you and knock the air out of your lungs if you lay on the couch, so I’ve fixed up a bed for you in my workshop.’

‘Your workshop?’

‘Yeah. It’s part of the house and everything, it’s just that I normally do my woodwork in there over the winter. But summer’s just around the corner now, so I wasn’t intending on using it for the next few months. If you decide you want to stay on here, it’s really no bother. The room will be sitting empty, anyhow.’

Well, gee. Sleeping in a strange man’s forest workshop for half a year. It’s certainly tempting…

‘Thanks,’ I say, in between mouthful after comforting mouthful of food. ‘It’ll be fine for tonight.’

‘I’ve taken your suitcase through for you. The bathroom is just across from the living room there.’ He points in that direction and he nods.

‘Well,’ he says, with a big, theatrical yawn. ‘Think I’m gonna hit the hay. Been a long day.’

‘It’s still early,’ I say. I’m actually a little disappointed. I was hoping to get to know the man that just cooked me the tastiest chili of my life a bit better. ‘I’m actually a little shaken up, you know, after the long journey, and the flat tire, and my sister leaving the country today…’ I’m piling it on thick, but I don’t care. ‘Do you mind staying up just a little longer, keeping me company out here in this strange new place?’

Finn takes our empty bowls over to the sink. ‘Alright then,’ he says. ‘But I don’t want you getting cold. Go and sit by the fire, why don’t you? Get yourself warmed up.’

I do as I’m told, like a good girl, and sit down on the cushioned sofa in front of the crackling fire. Then I look back at Finn, waiting for him to join me. I could get used to this life. Being looked after by a man like Finn. Feeling like someone wants to protect me. Maybe it’s not chauvinism after all. Maybe it’schivalry. Even if Finn’s not a Daddy, maybe I could help him become one.



I really didn’t want to have to sit on the damn couch next to this girl. Seeing her eat my grandma’s secret chili recipe, making all those sexy little ‘mmm’ noises, chewing the food delicately with that pretty little mouth… it makes thoughts creep into a gentleman’s head...

Not that I’m a gentleman, of course. Far from it.

As the sky darkens, with the stars glittering through the skylights above us — I’d never realized how damn romantic my cabin felt until tonight. I didn’t build it to impress any woman. Seeing Addison enjoy herself here, though, it’s a funny feeling. Plays tricks on the mind. Makes me want tokeepimpressing her.

I’ve got to stay focused on the mission, though. Like, how the fuck am I going to stop this girl from running off first thing in the morning, once I’ve helped her get her tire sorted?

There’s no way I can use physical force on her. I’m not that kind of guy. Well. Not anymore.

Not that I’d ever use it on a woman, of course. Especially not someone as cute as Addy.

But I’ve never been great with words. I always seem to put my foot in it, say the wrong thing and offend someone.

I’m going to have to think of a plan in the morning. Let her see the forest with a fresh pair of eyes. Drop hints about how much better the place starts to look in the summertime. And if that doesn’t work — well, I guess then maybe I’ll have to start scaring her. Start being honest with her about the kind of danger she’s in.

What I can’t tell her, not yet, is that we’re married.
