Page 28 of Please Daddy

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That's it. I've had enough of this.

My life was just fine until I ended up here.

I don't know what my sister's deal is. She's never even had a boyfriend. Maybe she actually thinks this is how love works. Just marrying me off to some weirdo stranger guy, then crossing her fingers and hoping for the best, hoping it’s happy ever after.

Yeah, right! Maybe she's jealous of my youth or looks or something. This is some kind of punishment. Whatever it is, it's sick and wrong. Very, very wrong.

She hasn’t just changed my marital status. It’s my wholeidentity. I saw my name on that marriage certificate. My new name.


I barely even recognized myself.

I’m so angry I can’t listen to a word of what Finn is trying to say to me. I try to block him out as I head into my bedroom and shut the door.

I change into my jeans, pulling them tight over my bulky diaper. I don’t want to get cold on the long ride home. Then I pack my bag. Clothes, Mr. Squishy, everything.

I’ve had enough of him ‘explaining’ things to me anyway. Chris. Trophy hunters. What if all of this is a lie? What if he’s been playing my sister too? What if he forced her to arrange this marriage for him? What if he’s blackmailing her? What if she isn’t even in Borneo at all?

Ugh, I just don’t know what to believe anymore. A couple months ago, I lived in New York with a thriving fashion business, a Little best friend in the next neighborhood, and a profile onLittle Loves, an ABDL dating app. Sure, I hardly ever used it, but it was there, when I felt like a night of pampering or a plate of SpaghettiOs with some mysterious tall, dark and handsome stranger.

Not that that ever really happened, of course.

Now, I’m literallyin the woodswith a guy — who’s not even a Daddy — on the longest first date ever… and it turns out we’re married. With severed heads and endless jeopardy providing a honeymoon we’ll never forget.

Well, I’mdeterminedto forget it.

I head for the car and throw my suitcase into the trunk.

‘Please,’ Finn calls after me. ‘Please, Addison, let me explain.’ I think that might be the first time he’s called me by my actual name, instead of sayingdarlin’. I’d grown used to all those darlings, and this sounds suddenly harsh and unfamiliar.

‘I’m not listening to anything you’ve got to say, you freaking jerkwad con artist ,’ I say. Okay, not the most elegant thing that’s ever rolled off my tongue, but it gets my point across. I guess my mouth’s been getting dirtier since hanging out with Finn. Even found myself properly cursing back there in the cabin. Not something I do unless I’mreallyriled up. And exactly the kind of thing a Daddy would keep in check.

It’s fair enough that I’m cussing though, right? I couldn’t believe it when I saw my name on that sheet of paper. I know, I probably shouldn’t have been poking around in folders that don’t belong to me, but it was on a gosh-darn bookshelf, and he saw me looking there. I assumed I was just going to find, I don’t know, a printed out short story or something. Or maybe even discover that Finn liked to do a bit of writing himself, and I could’ve found something he’d been working on, so that I could’ve teased him mercilessly for the next six months of living there.

Not that I was planning on staying there for that long. It’s just…

We were getting on so well. And he looked so stupid hot in those green track pants and that black tank top. We were all clean from our showers, soapy and fresh, and… a girl’s allowed to have daydreams, isn’t she?

I’d kind of hopedImight have got to seehimwearing just a towel when he got out of the shower, like he did me, but no such luck. Not that I knew how he felt when he saw me wrapped up in his towel. I can never tell what that guy’s thinking. Just when I think we’re getting closer, he rushes off somewhere, turns his back on me. Not that any of that matters now, of course. What matters now is that he’s a freaking jerkwad con artist, and no mistake.

‘Addison, it’s not what you think,’ Finn says, as I get in the car. ‘Your sister asked me to do this for you. It’s for your own protection.’

‘Sure she did,’ I say, slamming the car door. I put on my seatbelt and then put the keys in the ignition.

For the briefest flicker of a moment, I wonder if he’s telling the truth. Did Violet really think she was doing me a favor, somehow?

I mean, I remember signing that piece of paper now. We were sitting right there, with Danish pastries, and Violet was so calm, smiling at me as I signed my life away, stating that I was somethug’sproperty.


Why would she do that?

One thing I know for sure is that I’m not going to get any straight answers from this guy. He’s ruined more than enough for me already. I can’t believe I was actually allowing myself to open up to him, tolikehim.

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