Page 51 of Please Daddy

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‘You know, this feels a little like we’re on a date,’ says Addison, smiling sweetly.

‘That must be why I feel so damn awkward,’ I tell her.

‘It’s funny. We got married first, andthenwe went on our first date.’ Is she teasing me, or does she genuinely think this is some kind of romantic occasion?

She surprises me, now, leaning forward, right out her seat, and planting a gentle kiss on my stubbly right cheek. Her soft lips make every single hair in my body prickle, like I’ve been touched by static electricity.

‘You know, Dee, darlin’…’ I begin.

‘I love it when you call me that,’ she murmurs into my ear.

Fuck’s sake. She’s so close, I can smell her. Hell, her lips are so close to my mouth I can practically taste her.

‘Two cheeseburgers,’ says Marilyn. She seems to have a knack of appearing at just the wrong — or maybe right — time. ‘Plus bacon and hot sauce for you, doll.’ She places a heaped plate in front of Addison.

We lean back in our seats, and Addison gives me a smoldering look.

‘Hold that thought,’ she says. ‘I’m starving.’

Hold that thought? Is she serious? I’ve been holding that thought ever since I met the damn girl.

I’ll be holding that thought for the rest of my damn life.

I pick up my burger and take a bite, but it’s partly only to give my mouth something to do that’s not kissing the little minx in front of me.

‘I need to talk to you,’ I say. I’ve got to get this stuff out in the open, whether I like it or not. Can’t have her thinking this is some kind of romantic occasion. In fact, it’s kind of the opposite.

She picks up a curly fry and parts her lips. How she makes eatingfuckingfriessexy is beyond me, but she managed it. ‘Go ahead, cowboy,’ she says.

‘Those men at Georgie’s ranch,’ I say. ‘There’s something you should know.’

Addison frowns. ‘What is it? Do you know them or something?’ Suddenly, her expression clouds over. ‘Oh no. Don’t tell me they’re friends of yours.’

‘Friends?’ I almost spit chocolate milkshake all over her. ‘Ain’t no friends of mine. But I have a strong feeling that they might be connected to someone else you know.’

She gives me a blank look.

‘I’m talking aboutChris. Those men were in the same prison as him, down in New Mexico. I’ve heard about those gang tattoos before.’

‘You have? But Chris would never join a gang. At least, not the Chris I knew. What are you trying to say?’

‘This thing goes way deeper than just Chris, Dee. I have a feeling that Chris got mixed up in some bad shit while he was in prison. Reckon he’s either tipped them off about the land here, or they’ve been following him, just like he’s been looking for you.’

‘Why would they be following him?’

I chew on a couple fries, but my appetite is fading fast. ‘Reckon the most likely possibility, what with everything we know about Chris, is that he owes them cash. Probably for drugs. Maybe gambling. Reckon they’ve been trying to get him to pay his dues. And in doing so, they’ve quite literally stumbled on a gold mine along the way.’

‘Oh my god.’ Addison puts her half-eaten burger back down on her plate. Clearly she’s not exactly ravenous right now, either.

‘This idea of your father’s,’ I say, telling myself to get straight to the point. ‘You and me. I’m afraid it’s making everything worse right now. Not only have I been putting you in danger since you’ve come onto my property. Now Georgie is in jeopardy too. Everyone around me, everyone I care about…’

‘It’s notyourfault, Finn.’Addison reaches out for my hand, but I pull it away.

‘This marriage stuff isn’t working. It’s going to be best for all of us if you just go back to Denver. It's not like I'm really protecting you anyway. I'll drive you back to the cabin and then, tomorrow morning, I'll send you back to Denver. Hell, I’ll even give you money for another spare tire, just in case.’

Addison scowls. ‘And then what, Finn? You think it’s better to let me fend for myself in the city? To let Chris come after just me, so Georgie doesn’t get hurt? If he finds out I’m not married anymore — I’m assuming you’re going to file for an annulment or something — then Chris is going to be in his element. Won’t take him long to —’

‘Georgie’s already in danger. And you heard what she told Sheriff Potts. Those assholes said they were coming aftermenext. If they come after me, and you’re my wife, that means they’ll come afteryoutoo. And they’re far more dangerous than Chris. Believe me.’
