Page 69 of Please Daddy

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He swallows, as though he’s suddenly nervous. ‘Well, sweetie, I actually thought you might want me to do that.’

My heart’s suddenly pounding. ‘I’d love that,’ I say in the tiniest little voice. It’s crazy — we’ve had sex — but for some reason, this simple act feels as though it’s going to be much more intimate.

‘I’m so glad you say that,’ he growls. ‘Because now it’s time for me to look after you, to be the Daddy I’ve always wanted to be. And that starts right now. So lie back, and let me do my thing.’

I wriggle out my hands and legs wide on the bench. Finn’s got a fresh diaper, and he’s got some wipes, too. He lays everything out so carefully. I giggle — I can’t help myself.

‘What’s so funny, cutie?’

‘Nothing, Daddy. It’s just funny to see such a big, raging beast carefully lay out the changing stuff. I kinda love it.’

‘Hey,’ he says, a faux-stern look on his face, ‘I may be a big, gruff Daddy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t run an efficient changing station. Now lift those legs up young lady, I need to get you all clean.’

‘Yes Daddy,’ I say, lifting up my touche. Like he’s done so many times over the past few days, he undoes the tabs on the front of the diaper. Then, he grips my ankles, and with crazy strength, lifts me a little, as he whips the diaper away from underneath me. I feel the sudden cool of the air on my pussy.

‘That’s a full diaper,’ he says.

‘Sorry,’ I say, suddenly bashful. I feel the prickle of heat on my cheeks.

‘Don’t be sorry,’ he quickly says, ‘that’s what your diapers are for. I’m proud of you for using them so well.’

It feels so good to hear he’s proud of me, and my embarrassment disappears. Finn takes a wet wipe, and softly, slowly cleanses the skin of my thighs, and then, with a second wipe, he starts to gently wipe my pussy lips. I let out a tiny whimper of pleasure, and I feel myself instantly moistening at his touch.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ he says.

I can’t reply — I’m too busy looking into his gorgeous eyes.

A moment later, he’s got a new diaper and he’s lifting me up again. The new diaper feels fresh and dry against me — it’s a wonderful sensation. Then, he firmly pushes the front flap of the diaper down, and firmly straps me in. It’s a little firmer than I’d do it, in fact, and it feels good. It’s so much easier having someone to change me, rather than having to change myself. It’s wonderful.

When he’s finished, he bends down and plants a single, feather-light kiss on my tummy, followed my a soft, tickly raspberry.

I giggle uncontrollably.

‘You wonderful creature,’ he says. ‘Now, I want you to color, relax, do whatever you want while I work. Later, we’ll have some more fun.


I color for a little while, doing a good job of staying in the lines. Ilovecoloring — it’s such a relaxing activity. The great thing about it is that no matter how complicated the picture you’re coloring, you can get something out of the activity. As I color, I keep looking up at Finn as he stares out of the windows of the tower, his eye scanning the horizon.

Finally, when I can’t take it anymore, I say, ‘Daddy, I wanna do something.’ I use the most innocent voice I can — which is hard, because I’ve got the filthiest thoughts you can imagine running round my head.

He looks at me, his eyes widening. He knows exactly what I’m talking about.

‘And would this activity have anything to do with distracting me?’

‘Um, it’ll be relaxing,’ I say, absentmindedly stroking my chest.

‘Sounds distracting.’

‘I dunno. I think you’ll be able to work and relax at the same time.’

He raises his eyebrows.

I stand up now, and press my body against his. I rest my head against his chest, and I can feel his heartbeat, fast and strong. I lean up for a kiss, and then, before he can accuse me of getting in his line of sight, stopping him from being able to keep watch, I kneel down in front of him, my face level with his groin.

‘Holy fuck, Baby. You don’t have to…’

‘Who said anything about have to?’ I say, looking up at him. ‘Iwantto, Daddy.’ I begin to undo the buttons on his shorts. I might not have been able to do this last time, back at the waterfall, when I was trembling with so much nervous energy. But I’m not trembling any more. I’m laser-focused on one thing, and one thing only.
