Page 73 of Please Daddy

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‘What?’ If I’d been drinking a coffee, I’d have spat it out all over him about now.

‘After what you just did to me out there, in the watchtower, you’ve built up quite a thirst in me… and there’s only one taste can quench it.’

There’s no space to stand up on this mezzanine level, so Finn crawls onto the bed after me, like a leopard stealthily stalking its prey. ‘Gonna need to take everything off, sweetheart,’ he says.

‘I… uh… I’m afraid I’m a little sweaty,’ I say nervously. ‘It’s been an action-packed day.’

Good,’ snarls Finn. ‘The more likeyouyou taste, the better.’

He pulls off his t-shirt, then lifts my arms over my head and removes my top for me, then he puts his nose to my underarm and inhales deeply. ‘Smells like fucking heaven to me,’ he says, and then he begins to kiss my breasts, sucking on the nipples and making them instantly hard.

While he kisses my nipples, he rips my diaper aside, and I can feel the moisture trailing down my leg. Holy shit. I’m alreadysoturned on. I hope I don’t just come the second he starts to touch me.

He throws my clothes off the bed and then lies down quickly on his back, and hoists me over him, positioning my pussy straight over his erect tongue, which slides instantly inside me, filling me up with its warm, soft wetness.

‘Oh wow,’ I gasp. ‘That feels…’ I wriggle my hips around a little, his tongue sticking up inside my passage like its a spindle, and I’m the wheel that’s just spinning, spinning, spinning on him.

I’m sitting over his face looking toward his crotch, and I see him unbuttoning his shorts and watch his huge penis arcing up out of them as he pulls them down.

I love seeing how much tasting my pussy turns him on. It makes me grow even wetter, and he laps at the liquid falling down his throat.

I lean forward a little now, putting my hands out to support me, so I can get his tongue at a nice deep angle.

I’m only inches away from the end of his dick now too. I don’t think he’s expecting me to do this, but I dip down and take the tip of his dick in my mouth.

His hips spasm as though I’ve just given him an electric shock. Good. I surprised him. I want to always be able to keep a man like Finn on his toes.

As I suck on his lovely hard cock, he moves his tongue in sweeping motions inside me. I’m amazed by how strong his tongue feels like this, and how much pressure he’s able to exert on the walls of my pussy.

I decide to return that strength to him, sucking his cock even harder than I did last time, licking him with such great force that I have to hold his legs down to the bed to stop his legs from jerking out too wildly.

Finn starts to use his fingers inside me too. There’s so much beautiful licking and finger-fucking and caressing going on that I can barely tell tongue from fingers — it’s just one incredible tangle of sensation.

Just then, I feel waves of immense, immense pleasure — like a hot, pink fire, crackling in my groin, my stomach, my ribcage. Finn must be hitting some place inside me I never knew about. Is this the G-spot I’ve heard Sadie discussing? It’s kind of at the front wall of my passage, and he’s moving his thumb around that place like he’s beckoning me to come with him.

Well, come I’m going to have to do, if he keeps on going like this!

I grind my hips on his tongue and fingers, and I lick and pump his dick more furiously now. But I can’t take it. I was hoping to get him off at the same time as me, but this just isn’t going to be possible. I can feel the unstoppable surges building in me.

The swirling.

The dizziness.

The great, screaming, infinite thunderball of pleasure, rising up out from my pussy to every tiny nerve ending in my entire body.


I yell Finn’s name as I come, and come, and come, and my legs shake and buckle over his tongue, until I collapse on top of him in a heap, his dick still stuffed into my trembling mouth.

Finn doesn’t hang around to see if I want a break this time. He hoists me back over him, flips me over onto my back, and mounts me. Then he reaches over the bed for a box of condoms.

I might be a red-faced, quivering mess, but I still manage to reach out and grab his arm.

‘Wait,’ I say. ‘Do we really need that, Daddy?’

He looks at me with quizzical half-smile.

‘Well, we’re married aren’t we?’ I say. ‘And if wedidend up having kids, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world… I mean, you already know how to put diapers on…’
