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“Is a month’s time still not enough?” She gave me a look.

“Has it been a month?”

“Yes, you did not notice?”

“No.” I laughed as time seemed to fly past me.

“Forgive me for not sending word. But I did come with the greatest of escorts.”


She grinned. “The Earl and Countess of Montagu!”

“My brother is here?” My heart filled—how I wished to see him.

“He is. Shall we go?”

I nodded gladly, outstretching my hand for Emeline, who took it without question. I was very excited to have some of my family here. I missed them.

When we came to the front of the house, my sister-in-law was at the very bottom of the stairs, staring up at the art upon the wall in utter awe.

“Silva!” I called out.


When I reached the bottom, we hugged. When I squeezed, she gasped and pulled back. “Careful I am not alone.”

I did not know what she meant until I pulled back and saw her place a hand on her stomach. Glancing down at it, then back to her face. She smiled, nodding.

“Welcome and congratulations.” I hugged her once more. “Oh my! I am so utterly shocked and yet pleased you are here. Where is Damon?”

“We arrived as the duke was preparing to bring the horse back from his ride, and Damon happily went to join him,” she answered, then her eyes drifted down to the girl now holding my dress. “Hello, little miss.”

“Emeline, this is the Countess of Montagu. You may call her Lady Montagu or Aunt Silva,” I said, placing my hand gently on Emeline’s head.

“Hello, Lady Montagu,” she said carefully and curtsied.

“Well, are you not precious?” Silva replied. “I like your doll very much.”

Emeline nodded and hugged it. “Her Grace made it for me.”

“As you can see, I need practice.” I sighed and then looked at her. “Please let us go sit, especially in your condition. How was your journey? I was not expecting any of you.”

“Forgive us. Verity wished to return, and Damon wished to leave the hustle and bustle of town, so it worked out well. We could not send word ahead of us.”

“Has something happened?” I asked as we entered the drawing room.

“Nothing. As you know, Damon simply does not like the demands of high society, when he knew I was expecting he thought it the prefect time to return.” She placed her hand on her stomach as she took her seat.

As it was a tradition in our family, the baby needed to be born on our family estate, though she was clearly months away.

“I am very pleased with this news. I shall become an aunt.”

“And a mother one day soon…as you have now gotten clarity on certain matters.” Her eyebrows rose.

I tried not to laugh but could not help myself. “Yes. A good deal.”

“A good deal, you say?” She joined my laughter.
