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“Yes, partially,” she admitted and then came to stand in front of me. “But the other part is true. I do not wish to see you so utterly disappointed again. Mama says the best type of gentleman is a reliable man like Papa, who will always be there when you need him.”

“Mama is fond of Evander.”

Her shoulders dropped. “Oh dear, you have returned to calling him by his name.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hathor, please. It’s not so remarkable to call a childhood friend by their Christian name.”

“Mama might be biased in his favor,” she said sternly. “But everyone in the family is against him.”

“I hardly think you can speak for everyone else. Besides, Papa seems uninterested.”

“Papa is always interested. He likes to see the full play unfold before adding commentary. You know that.”

“That is true. Do you remember when we went to see—”

“No, you shall not derail me!” She held her hands up as though she were Mother, and so I smacked them down.

“If you wish to be a duchess, you should remember your manners.”

“Sorry,” she said, realizing her actions. “But promise me you will not let yourself be swept away.”

“Hathor, I am fine. I have not been swept anywhere. Now, are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“The ball. I am finished. We may go.”

“Odite, we cannot possibly go down now.”

“Why not?”

“There are not enough people. It will spoil my entrance.” She paused and looked me over. “On second thought, if you wish to go, you may, as then they will have all drunk their fill of you by the time I make my arrival.”

“The way in which your mind works is unmatched.” I rolled my eyes and lifted the edge of my dress as I turned to leave, but she did not follow behind me. “Do you seek to wait in my room?”

“Yours has the best view of the entrance, so I shall be able to see who has arrived.”

“Hathor, no! Out!”

“Oh, please! I swear I will not do anything else. The only other rooms with this view are Mama and Papa’s and Damon’s. I cannot wait in a married person’s room.”

“Fine,” I said. “But if you touch—”

“I shall sit here and take my leave only to come down to the ball.”

She was, as always, ridiculous.

As I entered the hall, I heard music playing and the soft chatter of the voices from below.

“You look pretty.” A harsh whisper came from above me.

When I looked, I saw the faces of Hector, Devana, and Abena peering at me through the gaps in the railing, their maid and governess behind them to keep watch. I was sure that was as far as they would be allowed to come down.

“Are you sure?” I whispered up to them and spun so they could see my full dress. “Does it look nice?”

Each of them nodded, and Hector even gave a wink.

I smiled. “If it is boring, I shall sneak up and spend time with you.”
