Page 15 of The Sins of Silence

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I won’t be late pretty girl; I’ll see you soon x

I couldn’t control the flutter of butterflies in my stomach at Christopher’s response. He didn’t need to send that last message but he did and it meant the world. It felt like he knew I needed the reassurance that he’d be here. It was like a game of tug and war, both of us sharing insecurities at times but we each gave and took a little to ease the doubt and worry that crept inside ourselves when we needed it. It worked so well knowing that we were able to lean on each other, even though this was so new between us both.

I just had to get myself ready now for a day of fun instead of my normal, curled up day on the sofa and watching reruns on my day off. I just hoped that Christopher thought that what I had planned wasn’t his idea of hell and instead ran away when I revealed all. I knew today was a chance for me to unlock more about my soldier boy and I’d never wanted to grasp something with both hands so much.

One final glance in the mirror and I was ready to go. I paired my tight, skinny jeans that highlighted my ass perfectly with a cute gray vest top and white slouch jumper that hung loose over my shoulders, along with my knee-high boots. A quick coat of my strawberry gloss and a spray of my vanilla scented spritz and I was ready. I grabbed my coat and ran to the kitchen, grabbing the last few items from the fridge for the picnic basket I’d packed for us before the clock struck ten.

The buzzer on my intercom beeped and I hit the answer button before Christopher had a chance to say anything.

“I’m coming down,” I greeted him in a cheery tone.

I put my crossover bag over my shoulder and grabbed the picnic basket under one arm. I locked the door behind me before I made it down the stairs and spotted him standing in the entrance.

“This looks ominous.” He winked as he took the basket from my hand and placed it in the crook of his own. He turned to me and wrapped his other hand through my blond locks at the back of my neck. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me deeply, swallowing my moan as I cuddled myself closer to him. “Damn I missed that taste.”

“Me too.” I smiled back at him. “Are you ready for the day ahead?”

“I am.” Christopher grabbed my hand in his and guided me down the steps. “Am I allowed to know now?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely. We’re going to have a picnic in Central Park and then rent a boat across the lake. Just the two of us together.” I paused, worrying that he’d hate the idea. “What do you think?” I asked.

“That sounds like my idea of heaven,” he replied, smiling down at me.



As we traveled here, I had expected Central Park to be busy. I kind of expected it to be full of crowds but as I gazed around, taking note of the lush greenery around us, I realized that it was just like any other park. I mean, truth be told, it was larger than any other park I had ever been to and it was very beautiful with its garden of green trees and flowers surrounded by the skyscrapers of the city.

“Are you okay?” Isobel asked from next to me. “You seem a little surprised.”

I tightened my grip on her hand as I gazed down at her. “I expected it to be… busy, I guess. Crowded.” I leaned down and briefly pressed my lips to hers. “So, where to go first?” I asked her, trying to get us back on track. As I glanced around, I noticed all the different signed arrows pointing off in the various locations. “We could get lost in here easily.”

“Not when you have your very own tour guide.” She beamed up at me and took a step away. “Let’s go for a walk and we can make our way toThe Point. It’s really beautiful there. There’s plenty of space for us to have our picnic.”

I grinned down at her. She was so enthusiastic. She reminded me of a kid on Christmas morning as she bounced on her feet excitedly.

“Then we can hire a paddle boat and you can do the hard bit and steer us around the lake.” She ended it by swinging our clasped hands together.

“So that’s why you brought me,” I teased. “You just wanted a strong man to carry your items and paddle you around.”

“Maybe.” She giggled before she gave a gentle tug on my hand and brought my lips down to hers. “I’m sure I can find a way to make it up to you.” She pulled on my hand to get me walking and as she took a few steps so that she was in front, I couldn’t have kept my eyes off her ass if I had tried to.

I followed after her, grinning at the thought of what the day would bring.

* * *

Ileaned my hands back against the grass as I watched her lick the whipped cream off a strawberry. Isobel was sexy as hell but watching her lick whipped cream off a piece of fruit was even sexier.

She giggled when she caught me watching and she slowly took a slow bite. “Would you like some?” She reached for another strawberry and dipped it in the cream before she reached over and fed it to my mouth.

I moaned at the taste, loving the way that she couldn’t take her eyes off me as I ate what she offered. She was so beautiful as she nibbled her lip. If we were alone, I wouldn’t have hesitated to pull her astride me to be closer to her, to show her how tightly wound she had me.

“Come here.” I laid back in the grass and held my arm out, gesturing for her to lay by my side.

She crawled over to me and lay her head down on my shoulder. She wrapped her arm around my waist and slid her leg in between mine, rubbing her sock-covered foot against my leg. I loved that she wanted to be close to me.

We lay in silence for several moments, just staring up at the blue sky as I held her against me.
