Page 39 of The Sins of Silence

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“Drink the water and pee into the container inside there…” She pointed into the remaining item left in the bag. “And then we’ll dip together. It’s just a few simple steps.”

“It’s easy for you to say,” I said, unscrewing the water and beginning to drink the contents. “What if—”

“Bathroom, Isobel!” Chrissie said, cutting me off and stopping me in my tracks. “Here.”

I never imagined that the first time I’d have to pee into a container that it would be like this. I expected to have planned the whole thing, tracking my cycles and dates—married even—with my husband by my side, holding my hand and sharing in the excitement. I didn’t expect my hands to be shaking, my hair to be falling out of my ponytail around my face, willing myself to pee while my friend nervously paces outside in the living room. The worst part was that the guy I was crazy about did not have a clue what was going on.

“Come on, how long does it take to pee?” Chrissie demanded as I walked out of the bathroom with the container and placed it down on the side. “Finally!” I watched as Chrissie ran over with the tests already open and ready. “Here. You need to do this. Just dip them and then we wait.”

“Okay,” I said, feeling like I was on autopilot. “Three minutes.”

“Yep,” Chrissie answered as I set the timer on my phone and allowed my legs to give way and slide to the floor. “You’ll know one way or another.”

Ever felt like time had come to a standstill? Watching that timer tick down that’s how I felt at that moment. Everything between Christopher and I was so new and I could see it now that he’s automatically going to think I’ve trapped him if those tests read that I am indeed expecting his baby. He’ll think that I trapped him by somehow managing to fall pregnant to keep him here with me so that he can’t move back to London. I didn’t want it to happen like that. I wanted Christopher to stay here because he wanted me, not because of a baby.

“Isobel…” Chrissie’s voice seemed eerily calm. The timer hadn’t even gone off yet. “You need to… Just come here.”

I stood up just as the timer beeped and looked at each result.

“I’m pregnant!” I gasped.

“Yes, yes you are.” Chrissie gazed at me as I felt the sudden panic take hold.

I gripped the counter-top to steady myself.

I’m going to have a baby.



No. Go to hell. I need to think about it as she stares at me with pity.

These were all the responses I was expecting when I planned over how I was going to ask her. On one knee or not? Candles or flowers? Suited or casual? On a date or make it more private?

“Bloody hell.” Freddie grinned across the table at me as Luke made notes on all the different measurements, he was envisioning for the room layout of the new club. “Why do you look like you’re about to vomit?” When I just stared at him he continued. “Is this over the whole Isobel thing?”

“The whole Isobel thing,” I mocked, repeating his words back to him. I rolled my eyes at myself. “It’s just a proposal to ask someone to spend the rest of their life with me. Nothing major or anything.”

He frowned at me as he took a bite of his sandwich. I tried my best to ignore the way he and Luke gazed at each other, obviously having their own silent conversation over it before Luke glanced back down at his plans.

“Are you worrying that she won’t say yes?” Freddie asked.

“No,” I immediately answer. “Yes. I mean no.” I was sounding defensive now.

“Bloody hell, man,” Luke complained. “Pick one. If it’s a no, then it’s a no. It’s not like a‘never will I marry you’.It’s more like…” He stopped talking as he stared down at his measurements and I wanted to smack him to get him to finish.

“More like a what?” I asked, prompting him to continue.

“What?” He looked up with a frown on his face at being disturbed and I knew that he was a million miles away lost in the plans of his club.

I couldn’t help the glare I gave him as I urged him to get into this conversation. He was freaking me out.

“Oh, well…” He flicked his eyes to Freddie again. “It’s fast yeah, but that doesn’t mean that she’s going to say no.” He reached across the bar and placed his hand on top of mine. “You love her. She loves you. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.”

I scraped my hand through my hair, feeling anxious.

“You just need to ask her.” Freddie clapped his hand down on the back of my shoulder. “Just do it and go from there.” He glanced at the clock on the wall. “You’ve wasted enough time here stressing out. Go on home to your girl.”
