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My younger sister’s name was Sam. When I spoke to her the other day, she had mentioned she met someone, but I couldn’t recall what his name was.

Damn it. I have to pay closer attention when she talks about her latest conquest.

“Who is Sam?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t my sister. I loved her very much, but I didn’t want to be as knowledgeable about her sex life as I would if I was designing her a ‘get it on’ room.

“The person this room is really for,” he replied.

“Does Sam have a last name?” I prodded.

“Bethel. Why? Does it matter?”

Just to me, because that’s not my sister.

I still didn’t have much to go on. No pink. Not girly. Was Sam a guy? I wanted to ask because that name is used by both genders just like mine. It was an important question if I was going to design the room appropriately.

Think subtle.

“What’s Sam’s favorite color?” I asked.

Bob chuckled. “Did you see this place? It’s almost as boring as his wardrobe. I’m not sure he has a favorite. Hey, maybe you can work on his clothes next if this works out.”

That’s what I needed. Sam is a man. I had plenty of things in stock, but I knew I was going to need to do some shopping, and not for clothes.

“Sorry, I hate clothes shopping for myself, never mind for anyone else. But in regards to this room, you have no idea as to what he…likes?” I prodded.

Bob shook his head. “I suggest you design the room with things you’d enjoy.”

My eyes widened. “I’m not sure Sam and I would enjoy the same things.” Then again maybe we do.

“I’ve seen some of the rooms you designed on your website. I have confidence that whatever you create will blow his mind,” Bob said. He pulled out his cellphone and scrolled. Then turned his phone to face me. “I mean, what guy wouldn’t like this.”

He was on my website and showed me one of my favorite rooms. It was one that I had done as a display to show how a couple could explore a little bit of everything. It was also one of my most popular rooms now.

“This will cost closer to three thousand dollars if you are looking to do it for your…for Sam.”

“Damn.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I really wanted to do this, but I’m not sure it’s worth it anymore.”

It was sweet of Bob to try to do something like this for Sam. I knew I could do it within the budget he had originally given me, but it meant I wouldn’t make a profit.

Oh hell.

So what if I didn’t make any money this time. Maybe it was the lack of spice and excitement I saw in the rest of the house that tugged at my heartstrings, but I felt bad. Besides, it wasn’t like I was hurting for cash. As long as I didn’t make it a habit, I guess it was okay to do one at cost, or at least, close to it.

“Actually, I think I will be able to do something very similar for the original price. What do you think? Still want to surprise Sam?” I asked.

He grinned. “Not sure he’ll forgive me for this, but hell, I owe him this and more.”

I smiled. “Then I’m happy to help.”

Tonight I will spend hours fishing through boxes to find what I need to pull this off at the price Bob and I agreed upon. Even if I couldn’t find it all, I wasn’t about to go back on my word.

Hope you appreciate this Sam.

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