Page 14 of Bucked

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We sway closer together and now our lips are only an inch apart. I can smell his minty breath on my face and my eyes flutter to half-mast. I'm so busy staring at his lips and wondering what they'll feel like against mine that the music and everything else around us have faded to nothing but background noise.

We move closer, I’m not sure which of us is closing the distance between us but I don’t care. All I can focus on is getting his mouth on mine, feeling his tongue slide between my lips, giving me my first taste of pleasure.

Then, suddenly, he’s gone.

I blink, looking up at him in confusion, but his eyes are fixed on something across the room.

Does he not want me? Does he not feel the same thing between us?

How can that be? Every time I’m around him, tingles and shivers race through my bloodstream. My heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of my chest so it can get to his, but clearly, I’m reading this whole situation wrong.

I take a step back, feeling exposed and vulnerable. What was I thinking? Throwing myself at the first man to give me any sort of positive attention?Stupid, stupid girl.I wrap my arms around my waist in a protective hold.

“Kennedy,” Wyatt starts, finally pulling his attention back to me.

I take another step away from him, blinking tears from my eyes and pointing over my shoulder to the booth.

“I’m thirsty,” I lie.

Wyatt’s brows furrow and he opens his mouth to say something, but I spin on my heel before he gets the chance, shuffling my way back to the booth. My face is on fire from the embarrassment of throwing myself at the most perfect man I’ve ever met, but I try to tamp down my shame by the time I get to the table.

I slide in next to Remy, who doesn’t look super comfortable sitting so close to me. I figure if I’m sitting next to him, then Wyatt won’t be able to corner me. Feeling foolish and humiliated, I squeeze my eyes shut and take a grounding breath.

I need to get my feelings under control so that this never happens again. God, I told this man my deepest, darkest secret, had a panic attack, and then tried to kiss him. No wonder he wanted to get away from me. I’m a complete mess.

Blinking my eyes open, I see Kai passing me another drink and I force a smile as I grab the glass and bring it to my lips. I can see Wyatt frowning at me from the dance floor, but I look away from him and try not to think about his steady grip or his dumb perfect mouth as I turn back to my new friends.

“So, Gwen, tell me more about Sequoia University.”



I fucked up,but I’m not sure how.

One minute I was ready to tear Kennedy’s clothes off, bend her over the bartop, and sink nine inches deep in that snug little pussy. And the next minute, she was backing away from me, saying some bullshit about being thirsty and going back to the booth.

I stare at her from where I’m lounging at the bar, trying to respect her space, even if I don’t understand it. Replaying the last few moments in my mind, I try to figure out where it went wrong.

It was a dangerous move to invite the woman of my dreams out on the dance floor. My control was already worn thin after our little brushing session, but I was desperate for another hit of my favorite drug. Having my hands on her, my lips grazing her skin, fuck, her scent in my lungs… I was hard as a fuckin’ fence post. Still am.

But this dingy bar isn’t the place to give my precious Kennedy her first kiss. She deserves so much more than a hole in the wall with sticky floors and too-loud music pumping all around us. I came to my senses just in time and was about to invite her back to my place when she bolted.

Kennedy is trying not to look at me, but I see her blue eyes flitting up to where I’m standing every few seconds. Jesus, are those tears threatening to spill down her cheeks?

I’m by her side in four strides, not caring about the drunk guy I ran into to get here.

“What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t want–”

I don’t give her a chance to finish that sentence before I pull her out of the booth. Cupping her face in my hands, I notice her flushed cheeks and trembling bottom lip.Fuck, is she trying not to cry? Because of me?

I toss my woman over my shoulder, clamping an arm over her thighs to keep her in place.

“Excuse me,” Kennedy squeals as I spin around and head to the door.

I hear my brothers laughing behind me, but I don’t give a shit. For some reason, the goddess in my arms thinks I don’t want her. That shit won’t do.

“Want me to beat him up for you?” Monty calls out from somewhere in the distance. Kennedy sighs, but I feel her shake her head no. Good girl. She knows way down deep she’s safe with me. Now I just have to get her to admit it.
