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"Watching," he whispered. "I just want to look at them when they play in that corner every evening. And then I replay it over and over afterwards."

"Then there you go," I said. "Because I feel kinda weird when I watch. Like embarrassed and grossed out, almost. Not because of what they're doing, but more because I'm... I dunno... not really invited."

"I like kissing, though," he told me.

"So, maybe we can do some more kissing? And, I dunno, you'll keep me from being pushy? Maybe even help me understand what makes you happy?"

"You'd be ok with that?"

I nodded. "I like talking with you about books, too. And you're really good at the agility lessons. I don't see why we can't do all of that. Maybe even call it friends?"

He reached up, using the pad of his thumb to trace a line across my cheek. "I kinda hope you follow the Path of the Body. I'd be your guardian, Nariana."

Chapter 7


When we got back to our clothes, something was wrong. It took me a moment to realize that my bra and panties weren't where I'd left them, except that they kinda were. Tiny little purple threads were scattered across the pile. Following them with my eyes, I saw bigger pieces, and then a panel of satin a little further over.

Then there was my boot. Like a youthful version of the ones Amerlee loved so much, they were made of black, buttery leather. Leather that was now dripping wet and hanging from a towel hook on the wall. The whimper that came from my throat wasn't intentional, but it said enough.

Anver was quickly pulling on his pants. "I'll get Saval," he promised.

"No, Jamik," I begged. "He'll know what to do."

Because I didn't. Those were my things, and I could only guess who'd done this. The moment Anver was out of the room, my eyes started to leak over. I wasn't sure if it was from being upset or because I was so angry, or maybe both. The truth was that I'd never imagined such a thing. Ilikedthose clothes, so I'd assumed everyone else would as well.

Thankfully, it didn't take long before Anver was back, hauling Jamik and Amerlee into the bathing room after him. My sister took one look at me and found a towel, wrapping it around my dripping body. When I was covered, Jamik seemed to finally notice that I was there, grabbing me up in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, Nari," he breathed, "it's going to be ok. Please don't cry, baby girl."

"But those were my things!" I whimpered.

Behind him, Amerlee was taking charge. "Anver, go tell the next class that their time is delayed by half an hour. When that's done, get Saval, would you?"

He hesitated. "Priestess, shouldn't I take care of her?"

She caressed his still-wet hair. "If we weren't here, yes, but we are. If you keep the other kids from coming in, it will save her pride. That's the wound that always hurts the most. You can come back with Saval and make sure she's ok."

"Thank you, Priestess Amerlee," he said, then raced through the door.

My big sister couldn't quite muffle her chuckle. "See, Nari? It's not all bad."

"But mythings," I reminded her, flailing an arm at the wall.

She blew that off. "Those are clothes, sweetie. More will come, and more will be destroyed. Besides, I made a new friend recently, and he wouldloveto design for an acolyte of Temptation."

"So stop the tears," Jamik begged. "The person who did this wanted to take away the things that make you happy. Don't give them that."

"Her," I grumbled. "It had to be Ciella. She was mad because I didn't stop kissing Anver when she laughed at me."

Jamik caught my face. "She laughed at you?"

I nodded. "Her and the older boys were messing around. One was playing with the other's cock, and she was kissing his back, and everyone was watching, right? So I figured it meant no one was paying attention to me. When Anver offered, I figured it was a good time to learn how."

Jamik's eyes searched mine. "So she did this because you kissed a boy she wanted?"

"But she didn't want him. She just hated that I have pretty lingerie, and hers is white and cotton."
