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"Just girls, I think."

"That does make things a bit more complicated," Jamik agreed. "Although it sounds like it's working. So where's the question in all of this?"

I waved at his crotch. "The actual working part, Jamik!"

He turned away and began to chuckle. "You know they made sure that my dick doesn't work, right?"

"And Amerlee doesn't have one. I'm kinda desperate for a little information here, and you're the only person I can ask who can piss standing up. Means you get the job."

"Ok." He pushed himself to his feet and crossed the room.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bottle. After looking at me for a moment, he grabbed a pair of glasses then made his way back, but he didn't stop at the bed. Instead, he headed for a small table in the corner, kicking a chair out with his foot in a clear invitation for me to join him.

"I'm going to need a little courage to talk about this, and you might need it to listen. Just don't have too much, ok?" Then he poured a smidge of something reddish into the glass. "It's just wine, but not watered down at all."

"Ok," I agreed as I claimed my chair and lifted the glass.

The taste wasn't at all what I'd expected. It was both bitter and sweet at the same time, and felt a little warm as it slid down my throat. Carefully, I set the glass back down, aware that Jamik was watching me.

"So what exactly do you want to know?" he asked.

"I liked being pinned between them, but what happens later, when we don't have to stop? I mean, how does that even work? And if Wraythe isn't interested in boys, then why is he ok with it?"

Jamik lifted his glass and took a long swallow. "You mean sex." It wasn't a question. "And what you're really asking is where the parts fit, right?"

"I think so?"

"Well, into the girl. Vagina, mouth... anus?" He lifted his glass again, but paused. "Please tell me you know what happens when boys please each other?"

"Only a bit," I admitted.

"Stroking penises is one thing. It's nice, but it doesn't always feel like enough. There's a carnal urge to penetrate each other. Not at the same time, but it's there. So, with boys, they insert the penis into the anus. It requires a lot of lubrication or it can hurt, but it can also feel very good. I've heard it's a more pleasing sensation for men than women, but some women like it. Some only tolerate it. There are others who find it very uncomfortable."

"Oh," I breathed.

He was bobbing his head. "And you have that as well as a vagina. So, with multiple partners, one can use one entrance, and the other uses, well, the other. Inside your body, they may even feel each other, because there's not a lot separating the parts in there. Just a few layers of tissue. That means they stroke you and each other at the same time."

"But if they don't like boys..." I couldn't even figure out how to ask the question.

"He wouldn't be touching a boy. He'd be touching you. He'd see you. He'd feel you. He'd be stimulated byyou.All of his senses would tell him it was you, even if he knew better. It would also give the other one a way to touch him without crossing that line. For some guys, there's a sense of vulnerability and trust in that sort of situation. A bonding, I suppose. Not necessarily sexual, but like sharing a secret."

"So they wouldn't be upset about it?"

He canted his head. "You'd have to ask them. Everyone is different, little sister."

"Is it something you would've done?" I asked.

Jamik actually laughed. "Um, my fetish is women. I love watching them love each other. I don't even have to be invited. Just the sight is enough to please me. I suppose that's how I ended up paired with Amerlee, huh? So no, I wouldn't be excited by something like that, but I also live with three women. I don't really have a lot of male bonding experience."

I nodded, accepting that. "But is it weird that I like it?"

"No more weird than me enjoying a pair of women kissing on me at the same time. If one is good, then more is better, right?"

"But it's more than that," I insisted. "I liked how it felt to be held in place by one while the other kissed and touched me."

"Touched?" he asked.

"Outside my clothes," I assured him. "It just... I mean... " And I groaned, knowing I was messing this up. "I like kissing Anver, but it's a little boring. Kissing Wraythe was better. There was... Like something had been missing?"
