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He nodded. "I can lose an entire night talking to her about the stupidest things and never know where the time went. When I look back at our school days, that's what I remember. Not the kissing girls part or flirting. I remember how she and I would make plans to meet someone and completely miss it because we got distracted with something else, or how excited I was to tell her about what I'd done with a girl. She has always been mybest friend.And that, more than anything else, is what you'll want to find in someone you care about."

I nodded. "Like, if maybe Anver ended up as my guardian, Wraythe is Eladehl's, and we get to be partners?"

He smiled. "So you haven't completely written off the Path of the Body, huh?"

"I think it's more true to say I'm considering it again. I just..."

"What?" he pressed.

"I kinda thought I might be a guardian. I didn't seem to care about kissing as much as the other girls, so I figured I might end up like you."

He smiled at me fondly. "If that's your calling, then I will mentor you through the higher levels, ok? If it's not, then I will not be upset at all. I just want what's best for you."

I lifted the glass and took another sip. "Me too. I just really wish we didn't have to choose blindly."

"Ah, but the future is always out of sight. Everything we do in life is blind, Nariana. Get used to it."

Chapter 14


Being friends with Eladehl and Wraythe made eighth year a lot easier than all the ones before. Suddenly, I was one of the popular girls. Granted, Ciella didn't like that. She tried to take it out on Anver, but Eladehl simply enfolded him into our group. Soon, the four of us were almost inseparable. After classes, we always piled into one of our rooms to study, or headed someplace quiet for the guys to practice their weapons.

I usually stayed out of those. I liked the gymnastics portion of agility, but the combat stuff had never appealed to me. Anver and Wraythe were obsessed with it. Eladehl found it entertaining, and had previously been Wraythe's partner since the others tried to shun him, but three was an odd number.

"C'mon, Nariana," Eladehl begged. "You say you might follow the Path of Protection, but you barely know your stances. Wraythe's kicking my ass, so I need someone I can keep up with."

Wraythe chuckled. "I'll help you, Nari."

Anver just swung out his arms, loosening the muscles. "I'll push you around, Eladehl."

"Careful," he teased back. "You know that's how I like it. Pin me against the wall, and I might pop a tent."

"Your pants are too tight for a tent," I reminded him as I set aside my book. "But if Wraythe's going to teach me..."

"Oh!" Anver laughed. "Shot down for the big guy."

Wraythe was smiling at me proudly. "Know what the best part about weapons practice is?"

"I'm sure you're about to tell me."

He leaned closer, bending a little so his mouth was by my ear. "The body. Men get muscular and lean. Women get lithe and curvaceous. None of those chicken legs like the girls who starve themselves to stay small. Dodging, lunging, and jumping will give you the kind of body men will fight to put their hands on."

I tilted my head to look up at him. "Even you?"

"I'll give you a kiss for every touch you get on me."

On impulse, I reached out to poke him in his gut. Wraythe didn't hesitate. He caught the back of my head and bent to claim my mouth. I always loved how he touched me. He wasn't gentle about it. He tilted my head up until my back had to bend, and then he plundered my mouth like he owned it, yet the moment I leaned into him, he bent away, smiling against my lips.

"By Zeal's name!" Eladehl groaned. "You know how long it's going to take this thing to go down now?"

Wraythe huffed at him in amusement. "I'd offer to kiss you too, but pretty sure it wouldn't help."

Eladehl grabbed himself and bent over at the waist. "Fuck, you keep that up and I'm jerking one out right here."

Anver just rolled his eyes. "You are definitely being claimed for the Body."

"All about the body, tough boy," Eladehl assured him. "Just say the word."
