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"It's myduty," Eladehl reminded him. "And tell me you wouldn't want to see him balls deep in Nari here with me riding his ass?"

Wraythe groaned. "I'm so glad Zeal made these robes very loose. Fuck, I've got a semi, now."

I gasped in pretend shock. "Wraythe, are you saying you like boys?"

He leaned closer. "I am saying that I like boys all over you. The way you throw your head back and moan? I can only imagine how hot that would be if there were a few dicks in you."

I stepped closer to him, leaning my body against his enough to feel the hard ridge of his excitement. "And now I know why you want to be a guardian. Just remember that you'll mostly just watch Eladehl with dicks in him."

He lowered his head to my ear. "I'm actually ok with that too. Don't have the urge to join in, and would prefer to never kiss a guy, but doesn't mean I don't think it's beautiful. I'm also pretty sure that we're supposed to be heading back to our classroom before Priestess Bressa gets back."

"Wanna help me tell the others?" I asked.

Wraythe just shook his head. "Nope. I'm gonna stand here for just a bit more so I don't waddle. Eladehl will help, though."

"I definitely will," Eladehl promised. "Because I need someone who can appreciate my new crush with me. And did you see his hands? Oh, those fingers!"

I grabbed his arm and tugged him toward a cluster of kids in black. "I like his lips. I bet he kisses amazingly."

"Then you get the mouth, and I'll let him wrap his hands around..." He plastered on a smile and shifted his attention to the group before us. "We're supposed to be in the classroom when Bressa gets back. Help us get the rest?"

They agreed, and within ten minutes, we were all in our seats, waiting to learn just a bit more. Well, the rest of the class was. Eladehl and I were giggling about the boy who'd blatantly flirted with us. Both. At the same time. The best part was that Wraythe didn't seem to mind at all.

Chapter 23


Ninth year ended without much fanfare. Over the short break, we moved our things into our last set of rooms, but there was one big difference. Eladehl was assigned the place right next door to me, and Wraythe was on his other side. That meant less sneaking around at night, and a lot less risk when one of us needed to slip out of a room.

But Jamik made a point of talking to me about how easy it would be to make a mistake. He explained how our bodies thought we were all grown up, but we really weren't. Mostly, he meant mine, because while I was still eighteen, the guys had recently turned twenty-one. They were just a bit more than two years older than me, and they weredefinitelymen.

Their kisses had gotten more insistent, and it was more common for our passion to end in orgasm than not. The concern, Jamik warned me, was that in the heat of the moment, it was hard to remember why we shouldn't go just a little further. Especially if we were alone. Except that Zeal was always watching, and just like with Ciella's hair, he could take matters into his own hands. If I didn't want to spend the rest of eternity living in the basement and washing cum-stained sheets, then I could settle for a little less.

When I was a child, the rule had seemed like a very good idea. A fifteen-year-old girl living with students as old as eighteen? It only made sense. Now? We were all adults - well, legally. Outside the temple, girls were often married by the time they were my age. Some even had babies, but I wasn'tallowedto have sex with the boy I loved? Or boys, as the case might be.

Yet it made a strange, twisted sort of sense. Our god would ask us to do things with our bodies. Some of those things would be pleasant, others not so much. Learning our own personal limits was much easier with proper instruction instead of fumbling around in the dark until we got the parts to fit together. I could see that. I also understood that most people didn't learn about erogenous zones, clitoral location, and things like that. Instead, they simply mashed together until someone moaned.

And sometimes it went very, very wrong. The first time for women could be painful if not handled properly. Hymens weren't actually supposed to tear, and young men often got so excited they became impatient. Girls could learn to associate intercourse with pain. And I couldn't forget about the men who didn't lubricate enough before anal penetration. Not to mention the chances of misusing toys - or body parts - and someone getting an infection somewhere.

When I asked Jamik why they didn't just teach us now and make sure we started safely, he didn't have a good answer. Instead, he offered a lot of really bad ones. How our hormones would distract us, how we wouldn't take our classes seriously because everyone would be humping like little bunnies, or how there wasn't enough time in the day to cover that as well as the last year of classes.

What he didn't say was that the guardians didn't deserve to be tortured like that. He didn't need to. At one point, when he was trying to convince me that I wouldn't die if I didn't get laid for a few more months, I asked him how he'd know. He'd shot back that he'd never had sex at all, and he was just fine.

That was when I learned how fast guardians were ringed. The moment the marks on their backs were identified by a Priest of the Word and matched to a Priestess of the Body, they were taken to a room and assisted with the proper application of their "restraint." After that, they were granted a week off to "acclimate."

Women were pierced at the base of the clitoral hood, securing it to the start of the labia minora, then again directly through the vaginal opening. The upper ring pinched when stimulated directly, preventing excessive arousal. The lower one impeded any penetration. All rings were secured so they couldn't simply be removed later.

It wasn't much better for men. We'd always known about the band they'd wear at the base of their dicks. I'd never been told that it had teeth on the inside. As the penis became engorged, it would swell, and those would poke into a man's most sensitive part. Sometimes, it would even cut. And while the application was easier, men often became erect every morning, and that ring made it into torture.

I hated thinking about Wraythe like that, and he didn't want to talk about it. Eladehl did. He asked me about everything Jamik had said, wondering how he could make it easier on his best friend. Unfortunately, neither of us knew. The goal was to train the guardians to suppress their sexual desire so they would not become distracted during an assignment. I had a feeling it worked very well.

But the tenth year was a lot harder than all the ones that had come before. Like last year, we had our main courses in the morning before lunch. The difference was that our afternoons were no longer spent in the Temple of All Gods, but rather with our mentors. This was where our style and manner lessons came into play.

Since my mentor was in high demand, that meant I was as well. We often had lunches with various barons, were invited to the theater with women of notice, and helped with new business opening celebrations. These were not the functions I had expected, but it seemed that Amerlee did more than simply have sex with people.

It was late fall when I finally got to experience the other side of the Path of the Body. Instead of the afternoon, this appointment was set for after dinner. The three of us, because Jamik was always her silent shadow, were set to arrive at a very nice house just as the sun went down. It was going to be my first time in a carriage, but Amerlee assured me that they were more impressive on the outside.

She was right. The thing bounced with every lump of dirt in the road, and I was worried that my carefully-styled hair would fall apart before we arrived. It didn't. To keep me from poking at it, Amerlee explained what I should do, which basically amounted to nothing. This client needed to vent his anger, and the agreement stipulated that slapping, pinning, holding, and screaming were all within fair bounds. Closed fist strikes or any action that resulted in bleeding would end the session immediately.
