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I was invited because he wanted someone to play the part of a witness. Another participant to see him shame the woman before her: Amerlee. His fantasy was to cause her embarrassment, which required a third person - since Jamik didn't count. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but Amerlee was confident that I was strong enough and smart enough to play my role. She also made it clear that Jamik would not let me come to any harm.

The moment our vehicle stopped, Jamik stepped out, offering a hand to assist Amerlee, and then me, down. Both of our gowns were gorgeous, the hems sweeping the ground with each step and elegant bustles in the back. Hers was a pale cream with blue trim. Mine was a vibrant red with panels of black. I was convinced I'd never looked as beautiful before in my life, but Amerlee still put me to shame.

At the door, the butler greeted us, directing us to a parlor. There, tea was set, and we were told to help ourselves. The whole time, Jamik didn't say a word. He simply moved to stand against the wall closest to Amerlee and clasped his hands behind his back. I happened to know that put them closer to his weapons. The man carried two knives on his belt, along with one stylish rapier. That, he rarely used, saying there was never enough room to make the most of it, but the sight often reminded people that he wasn't to be dismissed.

Ten minutes after our agreed-upon meeting time, the man - who I'd been told was to be calledLordDanery - finally showed up. He smiled at me politely, then looked over to Amerlee. She simply scowled.

"You're late," she said.

That was how it started. He snapped at her that he'd been working, and she said he should've canceled. That started a trade of insults, some of them harsh enough to make me sit a little straighter. Amerlee just sneered right back, looking for all the world like she hated this man to his core.

And then he swung. The backhanded strike knocked her cup out of her hand and onto me. I jumped, aware the hot liquid would ruin my dress. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jamik shift his hands before him, one finger lifted higher than the others in a sign it was still ok. That convinced me to relax, although it wasn't easy to watch a fight like this.

I felt awkward and out of place, like I didn't belong there. I wanted to excuse myself, but knew I couldn't. Then again, this was part of Lord Danery's fantasy. Their voices continued to grow louder, enough that I wondered if the neighbors would hear, and then Amerlee shoved herself to her feet.

That was when he snapped. Danery grabbed her throat, attempting to push her back down, but Amerlee resisted. Instead, he slapped her hard across the face. She staggered, tripping over the tea table, and tumbling against where I sat. I slid to the side, intending to get out of her way, but the man was coming from the other side.

He swung with his entire arm, aiming for her, and managed to catch me instead. My head rang, my eyes glazed, and I stumbled to my knees, then fell on my rump. Jamik straightened, but Danery's attention was back on Amerlee, so I shook my head, making it clear I was ok. I could feel the heat of the impact, and I had a feeling that it was going to bruise, but I could take it.

Amerlee, on the other hand, was getting it worse. The lord had her throat in his hands, screaming at her as he pushed her against the couch over and over. Her carefully-styled hair was now a mess, with crimson ringlets spilling out in all directions, and tears streaming down her cheeks. I was only feet away, still sitting where I'd fallen, with nowhere at all to go.

Then Danery slapped Amerlee again. She curled into a ball, exposing most of one leg in the process, and whimpered that she was sorry. She was so sorry. He was the man of the house, and she would never complain again. Her patron pulled himself up straight and glared at her.

"You're fucking right," he said, and thenspitat her.

When Amerlee did nothing but continue to sob, Danery finally seemed satisfied. He let out an impressive huff and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him in the process, yet my mentor didn't immediately sit up. Shifting to my knees, I was about to reach for her, when Jamik shook his head.

And then Danery returned. The door banged against the wall when he thrust it open, but he barely made it inside the room. The man was heaving with each breath, and his face was red and splotchy. I also noticed the bulge in his pants. I was sure the expression on my face was horrified, but thankfully, that seemed to be exactly what he wanted.

"Get thefuckout of my house!" he ordered. "I don't ever want to see you again, you understand?"

"Yes," Amerlee whimpered.

Then he looked at me. I nodded quickly, whispering a yes as well, and that seemed to satisfy him. Again, the door was slammed behind him, but this time Amerlee finally relaxed.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah," I assured her. "You?"

"I have a date with a very hot bath when we get back. Sorry about getting you in the middle of that, but you did good."

She pulled her skirts back down where they belonged, and pulled herself up. Jamik stepped closer to tug the tea table out of my way so I could find my feet, and then he guided me out from between the tight seating. With a hand in the center of my shoulder blades and his eyes on Amerlee, he directed us both back the way we'd come in.

I didn't expect the butler to be waiting, but he was. With a nod, he passed Amerlee a small velvet pouch. It looked rather heavy. Then he offered me one just like it.

"The lord wants to apologize for striking a guest, my lady. It was not his intention."

Amerlee patted the man's hand. "It happens in a rage. Tell him she understands. Thank you, Markan."

"Always, Priestess. Your carriage is still out front."

But as we filed past him, Markan caught Jamik's arm. "For your patience, Priest." A third bag was pressed into his hand.

"That's not required," Jamik assured him.

"The master of the house thinks it was. I'm sure you know why better than I do. Good evening to all of you."

When we made it outside, Jamik passed me his bag. "That was because I didn't stop him. It also wasn't my call. You said you were ok, and I believed you, little sister. Enjoy your first tithe."
