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I wanted to be in the middle, to have all the patrons watching me give my body up to them. I wanted to feel that abandon, along with the confidence to no longer care. The idea of living in that one, singular moment, alone and yet with all of them, was exactly where I belonged. The black lace of our god swirled around those dicks, up along ribs to cradle breasts, and across every hand in sight.

That's what it means to be god-touched.

The thought was like a whisper. The idea teased me higher. Glancing across the opening, I checked to see if anyone was watching me, not surprised at all to see hands wandering. Our bulky robes made it impossible to sneak into clothes without being noticed. Needless to say, Wraythe and I weren't the only ones standing a little too close.

Yet the show wasn't done. While over two dozen bodies tangled themselves into a knot, more priests were moving onto the stage. In groups of twos or threes, they headed toward the props. A man stepped up to the X, spreading his legs and arms so a woman could secure him against it. On the opposite side of the stage, a woman slipped her legs into straps that secured her thighs, and a man lifted her higher. High enough that a second man could swing her against his crotch, bend his knees, and slide into her body. When the contraption was secured, the first moved in behind her, easing himself into her ass.

There were more, but I couldn't pull my eyes away from that threesome. The man behind her cradled her breasts and teased her nipples. The one before her kissed her hard. Both men pumped into her body, alternating their penetration at first, and then suddenly thrusting in tandem. She grabbed at the man behind her with one hand, the other clinging to the waist before her.

It looked like it felt so good. In my mind, I could imagine Wraythe behind me, holding me up while Eladehl plunged inside me. If the position was changed a bit, I could fit another man in my mouth while Eladehl sucked at his balls like the trio of men in the corner. That was where the third man would fit, with me in the center of it all, giving in to my own temptation.

I reached over for Eladehl's hand. He was gripping the railing hard, but still spread his fingers so I could lace mine with his. Right now, I was just glad Wraythe wasn't grinding. If he'd done any more than press his hard-on against my ass, I would've begged for more, because this was what Jamik had warned me about. That fine line that was so very dangerous.

Guiltily, I checked the people around me again. Ciella was kissing one of her boys, his hands pawing at her robe. One of the loners had his eyes closed, but I could see the tension in his arm. I had a feeling his hand had slipped inside his robe and down his own pants. Then I realized that we weren't truly alone.

There, just at the edge of the darkness, was a priest. Over there was another. To my left was Saval, which made me think these were all of our instructors. Just to be sure, I dared to look back, and around the bulk of Wraythe's mass I found one more, except he didn't teach any of my classes. He still looked familiar, and I was sure I'd seen him in passing, but he was clearly not one of our instructors. I'd know those strange eyes and that dark skin if he was.

He noticed me looking and smiled, nodding his head just enough to make it clear I was fine. Then he mouthed, "Watch the show," and stepped back a little more.

I obeyed. Not because he said to, but because that was what I really wanted. I just wasn't sure I could take it. Not with my men so very close, both willing, and my body screaming that this was what I was meant to do. We were legally adults. We were Priests of Temptation. Our god would want us to give in, but I wasn't willing to pay that price. Not if I ever wanted to be one of the bodies down there, covered with so many others, moaning in pleasure.

"One day," Wraythe whispered against my ear, "I want to watch you and Eladehl down there. I want to see you with the false cock, buried in his ass while your patron drives you against him. I want to watch the viewers pant at your beauty and his allure. But more than all of that," he said, nuzzling his lips against my neck, "I want to feel you. To be inside you just once before they put that ring on me."

I turned back to see him. "Wraythe," I breathed.

"You're missing the show. Don't look at me," he whispered. "Just listen. My Path is not to love you like that. It's also not to love you the way I love Eladehl. He is my brother. You? I don't know the word for how you make me feel, but it is love. It's consuming and terrifying, confusing and rewarding. You are not my best friend, Nariana. You will also never have my body, but know that it would be yours. Instead, all I can give you is my heart."

I tilted my head so I could reach his ear, thankful he didn't pull back. "I love you too, Wraythe. I love you enough to not take you away from him. You two belong together."

"We do," he agreed. "But you mean 'we three.' I don't care what Path you end up on. When this year ends, please do not let us all slip apart?"

"I swear," I told him.

Eladehl glanced over, proving he was paying attention. "I still think you should be my partner."

My eyes returned to the erotic display, and I nodded. "If only we could share a guardian."

"Or trust Zeal to find one you deserve," Eladehl told me. "Nari, this is your Path. I know you aren't sure yet, but I honestly believe that. You were made to tempt others. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and the most amazing. The Path of the Word would be a waste for you."

"Yesterday, I was sure I belonged on the Path of Action." I paused to lick my lips, watching a man spill his cum across the black mat while his partner fucked his ass hard. "Today, I'm not so sure."

"That's my girl," Eladehl breathed, then he paused. "Ourgirl."

"Ours," Wraythe whispered against my ear.

But I wouldn't commit to it. I wouldn't claim the Path of the Body as my own - or any other. Instead, I was going to leave it all in Zeal's hands. He'd obviously marked me for a reason, and he'd used my voice as his own. Everyone said I was god-touched, and I was going to believe them. So if Zeal had plans for me, I wanted to be ready to accept whatever they were.

I just hoped he wouldn't pull me away from the two people I loved. For me, that would be a very hard price to pay.

Chapter 26


The three of us fell into bed together that night - dressed. Our hands wanted to roam, but we knew better. And while we couldn't stop kissing each other, we spent more time talking about everything we'd seen. It was safer that way. I wasn't the only one feeling the temptation to go just a little too far, and sometimes it was easier to never start than try to stop.

When I left Wraythe's room to head to my own, I could hear moaning down the hall. I could also hear arguing from behind a different door. I thought that sounded like Tishlie, but wasn't sure. The room was either hers or the one beside it.

Deciding it was none of my business, I didn't stop. Instead, I crawled into my own bed, alone, exactly like I'd promised Jamik. I also may have reached under the covers to ease the pressure myself. I had a feeling that next door, Eladehl was doing the same, and beside him, so was Wraythe. So far as I cared, this was us being together. It didn't matter if there was space between us. Our friendship - no, ourlovewas stronger than that.
