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"He's the one I told you about," she said.

He laughed once. "Saval, how about you give me that key and show me where? I think they need a moment alone, and I'm feeling very much in the way."

"Thank you, Eladehl," Saval said.

I heard the door close behind them, but I couldn't move. I could barelythink.The girl from that night was here, and her name was the same? Wait. Had I slept with a student? Wasn't that breaking some rule?

"Is sitting easier?" she asked, gesturing to a couch. "Don't blame us for the pussy-pink. It came with the room."

Us. Her partner. That amazingly gorgeous man I'd just been checking out was the one she was bonded to so strongly that she was already allowed to call him apartner?Wait. I'd be watching these two? Together?

I huffed as pain lanced through my cock. "Yeah," I agreed. "Couch."

She caught my arm, guiding me slowly to the largest one. Her every move was considerate of my current condition, but she managed to not make me feel like an idiot for being here.

"So why didn't you tell me you were a priestess?" I asked, rephrasing the question she'd already ignored once.

"For the same reason you wanted to turn out the lights," she replied. "Because something happened when I was a child, and I didn't want to turn you away because of it."

I chuckled. "Yeah, that was a pretty good line, huh?"

"Kinda was," she admitted. "But seriously, Talin, can I get you something? My brother said - "

"Brother?" I interrupted.

She let out a heavy sigh. "Ok, this is the shortest version I can give you. When I was surrendered, my father told me to lie about my age. It was only a few months before my birthday, and he was desperate, I think. I lied, the priest took me to the basin, and I slapped the water so I could get back to my father. Except that instead of being put with the rest of the kids, I had atantrum.A priestess was there, so she comforted me, and decided on the spot that she would be my mentor. I was never a novice, Talin. I was an acolyte on my first day. I'm now as close to her as if we were sisters, and her guardian is my big brother."

"And the partner?" I asked.

A wistful smile flickered across her lips. "I love him. His guardian, as well."

Yep, that helped the swelling in my dick vanish. "More brothers?"

"Not even close," she told me.

"Then why did you crawl inmybed for your first time?" I demanded. "Why, Nari, if you had more than one man willing to take your virginity, did you come to some pub on the common side of town and let me do it?"

Her tongue flicked over those rosy lips. "Zeal told me to."

"Everyone blames him for everything, and I don't care if you felt it was some divine calling. I'm not asking you who told you to do what, but why you listened anddidit!"

"Because he told me that my answers were two blocks away, in an inn that was safe, and that since I had been given my grades, I was technically no longer a student. That was how he answered me when I asked him how I would know what Path I should be on, ok?"

"That specific of a sign?"

With a huff, she shoved herself to her feet and wrenched her shirt over her head. Before I could even ask what she was doing, her pants came down. Then she stood back up and thrust both arms out to the sides, showing me her perfect little body - andallthe lace covering it.

"Make a little more sense?" she asked, pointing up to her chest. "Word." Her hips. "Body." Her calves. "Action." And then she slowly turned to reveal her back. "Protection. Yes, I have all the Paths, because the marks on my arms are more than acceptance. They're also Obligation."

"I've never seen that much lace on one person," I breathed.

Yanking her pants back up, she spun back to face me. "I have. It started at his throat, ran all the way to his toes, and there wasn't a space without at least a line. Tiny, insanely intricate lines. The kind that makes my lace look like it was drawn by a child, Talin. Andheis the one who told me to see you." She paused to grab her shirt. "I thought he was a priest until he walked into my Choosing Room, but his skin is the color of all of us combined. His eyes have flecks of every color. His voice is impossible to describe because it's more than what should come from one throat. And the worst part of it all? He knew about you. Said you were a very beautiful man, and that I'd done him a favor. So will youpleasetell me what I did?"

My skin had run cold, because I knew exactly what she was talking about. "I decided to show up for my Choosing."

Chapter 41

