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He scoffed. "You really aren't. You just think you should be." Then he looked between a set of doors, getting his bearings.

When he figured out which one was his, he didn't knock. Talin just walked in like he owned the place - which he kinda did. Eladehl turned, standing only a pace on the other side. His eyes jumped from Talin to me, and then back.

"So, I guess that talk's done," he joked.

"For now," Talin agreed. "Should probably also tell you I fucked her."

"She told me," Eladehl said, somehow making it sound like a taunt. "Have to say, now that I've seen you, I can't say I blame her."

"Yeah?" Talin asked, stepping into him. "Because I would shove my tongue so far down your throat you'd think I was making love to you."

Eladehl didn't give him a chance to take that back. One hand grabbed the front of Talin's robe, and he surged forward, pressing their mouths together. My guardian didn't gasp in surprise, though. He pushed back, driving Eladehl's lips open to shove his tongue through his teeth. Their kiss was hard, wild, and completely unforgiving.

But Eladehl's hand reached down, closing on Talin's cock through the soft fabric of the robe. Then he squeezed, and it was hard enough to make Talin wince back.

"Do not ever," Eladehl told him, holding the man prisoner by his cock, "treat the love of my life like a bargaining chip. She is not a trophy to wave in other people's faces. Nariana is my partner, my lover, and my friend. She is myfamily, and I will make you suffer before you can ever make her hurt. Do youhear me, guardian?"

Talin was trying to resist the pain, but he was slowly losing. "And she can't remember how to make a decision when you're around," he snarled. "She's so worried about whatyouthink that she can't decide whatshedoes."

"Then I'll make it clear," Eladehl said. "My partner is Zeal's chosen. Wraythe and I will follow her wherever she leads, but we will not walk behind her. My place is beside her. Wraythe's is to shield her. You? Where did Zeal put you?"

"At her back," Talin groaned, his knees starting to buckle. "Pushing her forward."

Eladehl's hand released. "You heard him last night, didn't you?"

"Before that. About halfway through the first candle," Talin admitted, bending over at the waist to alleviate the pain. "I was trying to come to terms with being on the Path of Protection, and he told me he was sorry. He said that if I wanted something, I'd have to fight for it. He told me to make sure his Chosen didn't stumble, but to push when I had to and never feel sorry about it. I had no idea it was her. I assumed it would be a task later in my life!"

"Allyour life," Eladehl corrected. "Becausesheis the chosen."

"Yeah. Figured that out when I saw her marks. Hence the pushing now." And then he grunted. "Did you have to squeeze so hard? I think my dick's bleeding."

Eladehl just leaned over to look in his face. "The next time you think about using me against her? Remember that. If you want to be a part of us, then you have to workwithus." Then he caught Talin's chin, lifting it so they were eye to eye. "And you can kiss me like that any time you want. Or her. See, we have that kind of trust. But the moment you try to hurt her? I willbreak you."

Talin simply smiled. "I can't wait to meet the other guy."

"Yeah," I said. "I have a feeling that's not going to go over too well."

"I'll talk to him," Eladehl said. "Wanted to check on him anyway." On his way to the door, Eladehl caught me around the waist, pulling me against him. "I like your fuck toy, Nari. May take a bit to train him, but I think he'll be a lot more fun than Anver. Kisses better, too."

"Yeah, he does." And I lifted my chin.

Eladehl slowly savored my mouth. I knew he was putting on a show because Talin was there, but I honestly didn't mind. I hadn't quite decided how I felt about Talin yet, but I knew I loved Eladehl. I loved him even more for allowing me to see his dark side.

"Tell Wraythe I love him?" I asked.

"Promise," Eladehl breathed. "And we don't get jealous. That means you don't need to feel guilty. Ok?"

"Ok." I smiled at him to show I understood, then waited for him to leave before turning back to Talin. "What made you think that was a good idea?"

He was still bent, all but cradling his dick. "I thought I was pushing the issue."

I leaned back until my shoulders rested against the door. "In your class, did they talk about the price you pay for giving in to temptation?"

"Vaguely," he admitted.

I nodded. "There's always a cost. Zeal charges his priests less than everyone else, but the price is still there. That?" I tipped my head to his dick. "Was it worth it?"

Pushing out a long breath, Talin stood, then leaned back as if stretching. "I dunno. I found out Nari's only a nickname, though. I also kinda like your partner."
