Page 7 of Security Breach

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Chapter Three

“He is so adorable.”

Brooklyn stood at the sink, not paying any attention to the dishes in her hands as she watched through the kitchen window while Wyatt worked. He was a genuinely nice guy and a good cook too, at least grilling steak. It didn’t hurt that he was handsome, in a military kind of way. He had dark brown hair in a short buzz cut and he had a seriously solid body. His muscles were barely concealed inside his tight black t-shirt and at the edge of one sleeve, a tattoo peaked out. She could only assume it had something to do with the military as well.

“I wonder when he got out or if he’s still in the military?”

She so badly wanted to ask more about him but was afraid to know too much. Anyone that she got too close to, might also be at risk if worst case scenario, Michael found her. She would feel personally responsible if anyone else got hurt. Wyatt did look like he could take care of himself though. Maybe he would be interested in being a personal bodyguard in addition to the security is company was providing.

“Hello, earth to Brooklyn.”

“Oh, dang it, sorry. I think I was daydreaming.”

“That was some daydream from the look on your face.”

His comments turned her face crimson.

“If you only knew. Did you need me?”

“Yeah, do you want to come out and take a look. I’m hoping you won’t be able to find the cameras. If you can’t, then I’ll tell you where they are.”

“Sure, hold on, let me dry my hands off.”

She grabbed the towel from the handle on the stove, then followed him out the patio door.

“Okay, stand here and look around the yard, tell me what you see.”

Wyatt stood behind her with his hands on her arms near her shoulders, his breath awfully close to her ear. The warmth from his palms permeated through her skin and she lost track of her thoughts.

“Do you see anything?”

“Oh, sorry. I don’t actually. You did put them up right?”

She couldn’t help it, her body wanted to fall back, lean into his chest and she started to shift when he moved away from her and grabbed her hand.

“Come on, I’ll point them out. No one will ever notice them.”

She hoped there was never a need to find that out.

He showed her the one that pointed to the driveway and then went to the other side of the yard. He really had everything covered, which made her feel much better. She put a hand on the tree he’d mounted it in and looked up and a shock wave took over her body. Everything went dark then a vision came of a man in dark clothes walking toward the back side of the house. It was dark and there were no lights on in the house. She could see the figure press his forehead to the spare bedroom window, trying to see in, then moved to the patio where he grabbed hold of the handle and slid the glass door open without any resistance.

Then it was gone.

Wyatt was standing in front of her, his hands on her arms again but this time he was very alarmed and his voice was raised.

“Brooklyn, what just happened to you? Are you alright? Can you hear me?”

She blinked her eyes fast to regain her normal sight again.

“I’m okay. Can we go inside?”


She started to take a step but in the blink of an eye, Wyatt had scooped her up into his arms and in just a few strides had them on the porch at the patio door.

“Let’s get you to the couch.”

He slid the door closed behind them and locked the handle. Then she watched him put the pipe securely into the track so the door wouldn’t slide open even if it was unlocked. He grabbed a bottle of water out of Brooklyn’s frig and handed it to her.
