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I poke my tongue into my cheek to keep myself from teasing her. She finds me attractive, yet she seems to hate herself for it for some reason. “Your words, not mine, Ms. Lee.”

She rolls her eyes. “Ugh, let’s just watch any movie. Here, I’ll pick.” She grabs the remote from my hand, scrolls through a bunch of titles, and stops on a horror film. “Paranormal Activity 2.”

“I haven’t seen the first one, Ms. Lee. Would that affect my enjoyment of this film? Are there story elements I would better appreciate if I had seen it?”

She finishes up her meal, wipes her hands and mouth on the dinner napkin, and places it atop her plate that she then slides to the lower rack of the cart. “You’re kidding me, right? This movie is about the sister of the woman from the first film. Weird things start happening in her house, so she has her husband install cameras all over the place to capture whatever ghostly activity might be happening.”

I smirk. “Let me guess, the camera catches some Paranormal Activity.”

She laughs and pokes my side. “There’s that Oxford education coming into play.” She hands me her empty glass of champagne. "Pour me another serving, garçon."

Eventually, I’m able to convince her that we should move to the bed since it's seventy-two inches would yield us each three feet of space. She agrees on the condition that we place a wall of pillows between us. “Oh right.” I scoff. “If I'm suddenly overcome by uncontrollable lust, the pile of pillows ought to be enough to stop me.”

"As well as your sense of decency, I would hope," she says snarkily.

I don't think she would have agreed to share the bed with me if she hadn't already imbibed three glasses of champagne, plus whatever she had downstairs earlier.

I may be suffering from diminished capacity myself since we are on our second bottle of Veuve Clicquot. Now we're in bed side-by-side with two pillows separating us, and she has drifted over to my side of the bed, resting her head on my shoulder. I stroke her hair out of her face and kiss her forehead. She doesn't protest.

"I don't understand what's happening in the movie right now. Why do we keep seeing footage of their swimming pool in the middle of the night? Is something scary supposed to happen?” ... “Oh crap!" The little robotic pool cleaner jumps out of the pool as if it were hurled out by some unseen force. I put my hand over my heart and take a deep breath.

"Haha, you got scared of a little pool cleaner." She pokes my side and cuddles closer to me.

"I didn't expect it. It's like one of those gotcha things on the internet where you're asked to stare at a photo and find out what's wrong, only for the photo to be replaced with a screaming witch after a few minutes." I drape my arm around her shoulders and nuzzle the side of her head. She doesn't move away. "You smell good."

She scoffs and slaps my upper thigh. "Pay attention to the movie, or you'll miss something." She takes a deep, shuddering breath as I press my lips against her cheek, her jaw, and the underside of her chin. "Mr. San Giovanni, you shouldn't do this. You don't even like me half the time."

I chuckle, tickling the soft skin of her throat with my breath. "On the contrary, Ms. Lee, I find that I like you entirely too much. In fact, my darling secretary, you bother me with your presence day in and day out." I run my knuckles down her cheek. "You have exquisite bone structure."

She giggles, but tries to push me away. Her breath smells like champagne and maple syrup. "We've both been drinking. This is a bad idea. I'm a poor substitute for your hot red-haired Russian chick."

I lick the vein where her pulse flutters like a butterfly against the tip of my tongue and drag my hand slowly from her knee to the underside of her breast. "Oh, Ms. Lee… Jessica, you're an upgrade." I’ll admit I’ve drunk too much, but even so, in this light, I see something I never have before, and I want it. I want her.

"Sir," she gasps as I close my hand over her quivering mound of flesh. "Everyone in this movie dies. Don't you want to find out why?"

I flick open the top three buttons of her pajama blouse. "Let me guess, does it have something to do with the sister from the previous film? She got possessed, so she goes and kills her sister's family?" With the tip of my tongue, I trace the outer shell of her ear until I reach her lobe, which I suck into my mouth.

"You liar, you've seen this movie." She's trying to keep her head above water, resisting my advances no matter how weakly. She wants this, too, though her brain is telling her she shouldn't be doing this because good girls don't fuck their bosses.

"I haven't," I tell her before sucking on her collarbone. "But these movies are all the same." Just a bit more, and she'll be putty in my hands. "Jessica, come sit on my lap." As the people in the movie begin to scream, I press the mute button. There's only one person I want to hear screaming tonight.

Without waiting for her, I pluck her from her spot next to mine and place her on top of me, against the throbbing bulge within my pajama bottoms. "Don't be shy, Jessica," I whisper, raising my hips so I can grind into her softness. "Kiss me." I cup her face and bring our mouths together.

Her soft breath tickles my lips. "We really shouldn't do this," she tells me even as she slips her arms around my neck and grinds back against me. "This is so fucking cliche. What about the rules?”

"It’s my father’s company, and I'm predominately in charge. You have my full permission to break those rules.” I pull her head down so our mouths can finally join and we can taste each other. I suck on her bottom lip and tickle her flesh with my tongue. I can't get enough of her.

"It's getting a little warm in here," she whispers against my mouth as she reaches for the hem of my pajama top to pull it over my head, tossing the fabric over her shoulder. "You spend a lot of time in the gym?"

She runs her soft hands over my pecs and the rippling muscles of my abs, our skin slick with sweat. "I gotta keep up with my core conditioning." My eyes drift close as she circles my nipple with the tip of one slender finger. "Discipline is an underrated virtue."

"Says the guy who eats a donut every morning," she giggles.

I remove her pajama top and bend my head so I can kiss her firm, perky breasts. They're small but fit perfectly in my mouth. "I run five miles every day to deserve that donut.But I'm starting to think you're a sweeter treat, Ms. Lee. And one hell of a workout, too." I suck her nipple into my mouth, which causes her to gasp and fold over me, clutching my head to her chest.

"I swear to God, if you fire me after this, I'm gonna go after you so hard through HR, you'll regret you ever met me." She buries her face in my neck and nips the soft skin there, planting open-mouthed kisses all over my throat. "God, you smell really good. I bet you're wearing super expensive cologne."

"Seventy-five euros an ounce. Only available in a special boutique on Savile Row." I groan when she scrapes her nails over my nipples before continuing her exploration toward the waistband of my pajama bottoms. "And don't worry, Jessica, you'll always have a job with me." I adjust her seating, so she's not directly riding on my dick. I can only take so much.

I gather her against me and flip our position so I can lay her on her back. Scrambling to get on top of her, I bring both of her hands above her head. Normally, I'd be begging her to touch me all over, but my control is iffy. I don't want to embarrass either of us by exploding before I'm supposed to.

I don't know if it's because I haven't had sex in a few months, but I feel like a wild animal, unable to suppress my primal instincts from wanting to tear this woman to pieces. At the same time, I want to savor her, taste every part of her, but my own hands are shaking, and everything in me is commanding me to take her.

"Keep your hands up there, baby. Hold on to the headboard for me." I kiss the valley between her breasts and trace a path down to her navel with, nipping pecks. The heady scent of her moist feminine heat reaches my nostrils, teasing and tempting me, making my mouth water.

She whimpers as I peel the silk pajama bottoms down her legs, surprising me with her lack of underwear. I ball up the fabric and throw it over my shoulder. My sweet Ms. Lee… I put my hands on her thighs and spread them so I could make a place for myself.

Ms. Lee is well-groomed with no hair on her mound and labia. I spread the thick lips apart and kiss her where she's hot and desperate for me.

"Vincenzo," she breathes, lifting her hips to press herself tight against my tongue.
