Page 94 of Snow Hunted

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I knew Garrett had super hearing, so it wasn’t really trying to stop him from hearing it, but I wanted privacy from the others.

“Is that your brother?” Barrett asked, nodding to Garrett who was still standing on the stairs.

“That is Garrison.” I corrected.

“I see.” Barrett said, clearly picking up on my distinction.

“How’s everything here?”

He bobbled his head from side to side. “Dark Queen was here earlier this week when we were at the mines and attacked Snow. Nearly choked her to death. We got back just in time and Jace had to use all his skills to save her.”

“Shit.” I had noticed the faint bruising on her neck, but thought it was just a shadow. “She ok?”

“She is tough as nails. She’s been fine, though. Nights are a little tough, so I think she’s been staying with Enzo in his room.”

“And that’s not a problem?”

“Hasn’t been. Why? Will it be a problem for you?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“I smelled you on her when she came back. I ignored it, but now I don’t know if I should have.”

“All is good here. We were traveling together, that’s probably what you smelled.”

He hesitated before nodding, clearly not buying it, but also not pushing it.

“So Garrison. Do you mind if he stays here for a little?”

“How long? We’re kind of bursting at the seams.”

“I know. Not long. The dark Queen hired him to kill Snow and bring back her liver and heart. He said he couldn’t find Snow, but I think he knows her and has an affection for her and purposefully didn’t find her. Anyway, he cut out the liver and heart of a boar and took it to the Queen and obviously she knows Snow isn’t dead, so…”


“Yea. So he has no home.”

“Hmm.” I knew exactly what he was thinking, because I had already thought about it. The difference was that he wasn’t eight years old right now.

“I know.” I smirked.

“Well, he could help around the house and perhaps stay here with Snow while we’re at the mines.”

I didn’t say anything.

“Sure. We can try it out for a little while, but…”

“I got it. Thanks.”

“I’m not sure I’m doing you a favor.”

“Me either,” I chuckled as we walked back to the house.

Garrison looked at me. “All good?”

“Yea. You can stay for a while, but you have to help out.”

