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She perched up in her seat and clasped her hands. “Okay! What is it?”

“The hint is… we’re staying in Austin.”

With a huff, she waved a hand around in the cabin of his truck. “That’s a shitty hint, Keen.”

He laughed, and she slapped his shoulder.

“Give me another.”

“Say please…”

“Okay… Please give me a hint that’s worth a shit.”

“Okay, okay… so the hint is you can roll right up.”

She clapped her hands, excited for where he’d be taking her. “Oh! We’re rollerblading. That’s so cool!”

With a shake of his head he said, “Guessed wrong, Ry.”

When he’d started driving again, she kept guessing but failed miserably. “What are we doing downtown? Are we rolling in a drive-thru for dinner?”

She noticed his hand still for only a split second. “No! Are we going to stuff ourselves with grease? Hmm. I could eat.”

Keenan turned the truck left, and she shrieked. “A drive-in movie theater!”

“Yeah. I can’t believe you couldn’t guess it.”

She scrunched up her nose and said, “Pff. Rolling right up. What kind of hint is that?”

“Ha, a damn good one since you didn’t guess it.”

Keenan paid at the entrance and drove them to a very intimate drive-in in the middle of downtown Austin. He parked the truck in the back row, but they still had an excellent view of the screen in front of them. There were only eleven other cars, and Ryleigh loved the cozy feel of the drive-in.

“And? What do you think?”

She unbuckled and went in for a heated kiss. “I love it! This is so cool.”

“You don’t even know what they’re showing.” He said against her lips. His smile was infectious.

“I don’t care. I’ve never done this before, Keen. It’s already awesome. I love making memories with you.”

He blinked once before he relaxed. “Me too.”

A guy came up to Ryleigh’s side of the truck with a car window tray. Ryleigh opened her window, and he said, “Welcome to our cozy drive-in! I hope you’ll enjoy your meal and the show. If you need anything, you can wave out of your window. We’re here with a team to assist you or get you refills.”

“That’s great. Thank you,” Ryleigh looked the red-white-checkered tray over and inhaled deeply to take her fill of the scent of a luscious greasy hamburger with lots of fries on the side.

“Dig in, darlin’.”

Her heart did another flip-flop at Keenan’s nickname for her. She grabbed her hamburger and brought it to his.

“Cheers,” she said, and he laughed.

“Tommy is already rubbing off on you,” he said. It was true. Tommy had toasted his bowl of cereal with hers one morning and it had stuck. They now toasted every little thing before they would drink or eat it.

“I’m amazed you’re not toasting your toothbrushes yet.” Keenan took a huge bite out of his hamburger, dropping lettuce and tomatoes on his lap. Luckily, he’d placed a napkin beforehand.

“Tommy would have a field day if he saw you eating this grub.”
