Page 43 of Burn

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“The fuck I can’t,” he rages before turning back. “I am done with your bullshit, T. I’m done with her being off-limits. If I want to spend time with her, I’m fucking doing it. You can shove your bros before hoes bullshit up your ass.”

“I’m a ho, nice,” I mutter, but Sawyer grasps my hand and intertwines my fingers with his.

“Don’t take it personally, Beautiful. You’remyho,” he says with a cheeky wink, somehow masking his rage for a moment.

Travis turns to me, glaring at me with that icy rage of his again. “I knew you’d tear everything apart. Nothing but a whore spreading her legs, just like your mother.”

Sawyer dives forward, his fist connecting with Travis’s cheek, and I let out a scream as they fight out their frustrations on the ground. Cole and Asher rush back over and drag them apart, and Penn appears with Dante and Connor in tow.

I look from the guys over to her and sigh. “I’m going home.”

Penn’s face drops, but I shake my head. I put my hand out to Dante for his jersey and pull it back over my head. “I’ll see you later, Penn.”

“Are you sure?” she asks, biting her lip. I can tell she doesn’t want to leave, especially with Connor holding her hand.

“I’m good. Too much excitement here for me. Have fun,” I tell her and head out the door.

“Briar,” I hear Dante call behind me and I groan. “Just let me walk you back, okay? Those hot heads need to calm down, and I’ll feel better knowing you got back safe.”

His reasoning is pretty sound considering the stories of what happens to girls at college parties, and I almost kind of know Dante. He doesn’t seem the type to hurt me.

“So I’m guessing that asking you out is a bad idea,” he jokes as he drops an arm over my shoulder, and I groan at him.

“I don’t know why it would be. I’m entirely single.”

He smirks down at me and shakes his head. “Yeah, it seemed like it.”

I pull out from under his arm and shrug. “I am. They’re just idiots.”

“Guys usually are when it comes to girls,” he says with a small smile. “Come on, let's get you back, and I promise not to ask you out again unless you ask me to.”

I smile up at him, trying not to laugh at the stupid face he’s pulling. “Thanks,” I say, rolling my eyes.

Freaking idiots. All of them.

But at least this one makes me laugh.


Iwake up to the sound of my phone ringing on my nightstand and groan into my pillow. Whoever is waking me up at—I lift my head up and glance at the giant clock above Penn’s empty bed—seven in the freaking morning has a death wish. I plant my face back in my pillow and pull the duvet up over my head, letting out a sigh of relief when my phone stops.

Until it starts again.

“I swear to God,” I mutter as I reach for my phone. “What?” I snap, without even looking at the screen.

“Well, good morning to you too, sunshine child.” Sawyer’s teasing voice sounds through the phone and I moan again.

“It is too early for your pep, Sawyer. What’s wrong?”

“Why would something be wrong?” I swear, I can hear his fucking smile through the goddamn phone. Someone should not bethatcheery at this time in the morning, at least not before I’ve had coffee.

“Because you’re calling me at the ass crack of dawn, that's why,” I whisper-shout down the phone.

“I mean, it was better than me pounding on your door, right? That was my initial plan, but Asher talked me down.”

Oh thank God for Asher.

“You’re outside?” I ask, lifting my head from the pillow before padding over to the door and looking through the peephole. “Of course you’re freaking outside.”
