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“The Royals.”

How original.

“We need to hurry. Can’t have the dean telling your father we were late.”

“No, we can’t have that.” I bite back a more sarcastic comment.

Sally leads me down a hall full of doors. She stops at one with a golden plaque that reads Mrs. Daphne Middlebrooks. Doesn’t sound so bad.

“You may enter,” a nasally voice calls from the other side of the door.

Sally twists the knob and pushes open the door. She motions for me to enter, then she follows me in and looks at the dean. “This is Marra Ayers.”

The dark-haired merwoman looks me over, her mouth twisting into a scowl. “I know who she is.”

I stand straighter and force myself to smile at the judgmental woman who basically holds the fate of my next four years in her hands. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“Have a seat.” Mrs. Middlebrooks pushes some hair from her eyes then glares at Sally. “You may leave now.”

Sally leaves before I can thank her for her kindness.

I sit and look around the room. Awards line the walls and books fill the shelves.

The merwoman narrows her eyes and stares at me. “Let’s make this quick. I don’t have all day. There’s really only one thing you need to know to make it through your education in the Royal School.”

I lean forward. “What’s that?”

Her upper lip curls and her eyes turn black. “Stay out of my way, and you’ll do just fine.”
