Page 5 of Tripp's Bride

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“It’s your bedroom too now, Amelia.” I feel her tense under my hands, ruining the moment. “Not right away.” I step away from her and go over to the chair I have in the corner near the fireplace. “I have a room downstairs for you and you can join me up here when you’re ready. I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” I sit forward, my fingers making a steeple. “You’re my wife - or you will be soon. Maybe this is old fashioned, but I expect you in my bed sooner, rather than later. Is that understood, Amelia.”

I’m probably being too harsh with her but I didn’t pay all that money to have a roommate. I expected Amelia to be in my bed every night very soon.

Panic flashes in her eyes and she visibly swallows. She tucks her hair behind her ears and walks towards the stairs. “Understood,” she mutters and quickly exits the loft.



William’s words scare the shit out of me, but if I’m being honest with myself, they also excite me. I’d thought about sex with him on multiple occasions since getting a picture of him but how would he react when he found out I was a virgin?

I never had time to date boys. I had to work, or make sure my dad wasn’t lying in a pile of his own vomit and choking to death. After seeing what a broken heart did to my father, falling in love also made me nervous. I couldn’t imagine feeling that way about anyone ever.

I went downstairs and grabbed my bags. William wasn’t far behind me and he took the big suitcase from me. “I got this one.”

William seemed a little bit old fashioned and I didn’t hate it. I was more than capable of taking care of myself, but it was a relief to let someone help sometimes.

He set my suitcase in the bedroom. “I’ll let you get settled. There’s a bathroom in the hallway next door. Don’t get too comfortable here though. Like I said, I expect my room to be our room very soon. Come out when you’re ready and we can discuss wedding details.”

I shook my head and stood there until he left, closing the door behind him. I heard him walk away and then flopped on the bed, flinging an arm over my eyes. What the fuck had I gotten myself into here?

Everything seemed perfect so far. William was drop dead gorgeous, a little alpha male, and very kind. His home was gorgeous. Isn’t this what I had signed up for?

I had trouble thinking of myself as an equal here. This was all Williams stuff. He’d worked hard for it and now by marriage, it was mine too? I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

I laid there for a few more minutes before sitting up. If I didn’t come back out soon, I had no doubt William would come in here. I looked at the jeans and sweater I was wearing. This outfit would be good enough. I would get we didn’t get dressed up too often in the

I unpacked a few things and grabbed my bag of toiletries. I snuck out of the bedroom to the bathroom that was right next door. As I closed the door, I prayed I didn’t hear William.

I set my stuff down on the counter and looked in the mirror. I didn’t know how William would want to marry me. My blonde hair was flat and my green eyes dull. I needed to lose about thirty pounds and all of my clothes were worn out. I didn’t wear much make up and was as plain jane as they came.

“Amelia, are you almost ready? Dinner is done.” William called out to me, making me jump.

“One sec.” I went to the bathroom and washed my hands before brushing my teeth. I grabbed a hair tie and left the bathroom, throwing my rat’s nest up into a messy bun as I walked out.

I was immediately hit with the smell of whatever he had cooked for dinner. My stomach growled loudly and I swore I saw the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile.

On the kitchen table was a huge spread. It looked like meatloaf and mashed potatoes. There were also rolls and some corn. Wow, not only was he good looking and good with his hands, William could cook too.

“It looks amazing. Thank you,” I said as I sat down, trying to let him see the emotion that was about to overcome me. I’d had so little money for food even before my dad died that I usually lived off of ramen noodles. I got very little protein in me. Made me wonder how it was that I couldn't seem to lose any weight.

“I love to cook. It’s like my therapy.” He shrugged and poured me some water before sitting down next to me.

William dished up my plate for me, filling it with everything good on the table. When he sat it in front of me, tears filled my eyes again.

“Amelia, are you okay?”

I nodded and brushed a tear away. He raised an eyebrow and I remembered his earlier comments about not hiding anything from him.

“This food is amazing and I can’t remember the last time I ate a meal like this. I basically lived off of ramen.”

William shook his head. “Not here. I’m a meat and potatoes kind of guy. And don’t worry, you won’t have to do much cooking since I like it.” He set his fork down. “I’m really sorry you had it so rough.” He reached for my hand and clasped it in his, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand. “If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”

“Thank you.” I picked up my fork with the other hand and he let my hand go.

We ate in silence but I had a hard time not making noises of pleasure. His cooking was so good and I ate until I was stuffed. When we were done, he cleared our plates and motioned for me to move over to the couch.

“We can do dishes together after we chat.” William was sitting in the chair next to me as I sat on the couch. He had his long legs out in front of him with them crossed at his ankles. He did that steeple thing with his fingers again. Even after one afternoon together, I was beginning to know some things about him.
