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No one ever said sex fairies were smart.

But back to Sky. She gave intimate details of trying on a swimsuit for an upcoming camping trip with her sister and nephew. She claimed she slid the bikini bottoms over her underwear and suddenly felt something moving around.

She pulled the bottoms down to find a purplish winged creature about the size of a hummingbird. She screamed, swatted at the thing, and fell down, only to have it dive into her panties, where Sky wrestled with the thing and managed to keep it from, well, doing what sex fairies did.

Interesting.Sky’s account of the attack sounded legitimate. Sex fairies were known to get aggressive when startled or afraid. Simply put, they looked for the nearest place to hide. If it happened to be a human orifice, so be it.

But had this been a fairy attack, or had the creature been frightened by something?

Damien turned off the engine of the Suburban he’d rented at the airport. Not his usual ride, but they’d been out of sedans. Back home, he owned over twenty cars—a red 1959 Porsche Roadster, 2023 silver Audi, black Jeep Rubicon, and baby blue 1965 VW Bug, to name a few. He collected anything with a convertible top. New, old, didn’t matter. Driving with the wind in his hair was his biggest vice. That and a fine scotch. All right, and Chinese food. Especially the fried stuff. When one was immortal and did not cook, you got to eat whatever you liked.

Damien exited the SUV and double-checked the address Cimil had texted him. This was the place, but the blue ranch-style house did not fit what he’d learned about the journalist. Outspoken, educated, career driven, and a confident dresser. The lawn had not been mowed in weeks, a pile of wet rotting newspapers sat in the driveway, and the windows had foil taped over the glass. It was early evening, and there were no lights on outside, either.

He walked up the leaf-covered sidewalk, noting the mail overflowing from the box beside the door. He grabbed an envelope to check the name. It was addressed to Sky Morales, so this had to be the correct house. Was she out of town?

He rang the doorbell, listening for movement inside.


He looked over his shoulder and pulled a pair of black leather gloves from his jacket, followed by his lockpick set. He pushed in the pick and tension tool, turning until he heard apop!He always did love that sound.Success.

Damien quickly slipped inside. The living room was dark, smelling of old pizza, and there were books stacked into various piles on the carpeted floor.

He bent down and grabbed one.The History of Fantastic Creatures? He put the book back, mapping out a plan in his mind to comb through the house for clues. Who was Sky really? Did she have any side businesses that might’ve led to the fairy attack? What were her secrets?

“Who the hell are you?” said a female voice. The lights flipped on.

It was Sky, wearing a hideous pair of pink sweats with stains down the front. She held a baseball bat in her hands and was ready to swing. Wouldn’t do her any good, but he did not enjoy getting his head split open.

“Do not be alarmed.” He extended his gloved hands.Oops. Not the right message. He slid them off and tucked them in his pocket.

“Are you one of those fucking tabloid reporters? I told you, I’m done giving interviews.”

“I am not a reporter. I’m here…I…” What could he say? “I know you were telling the truth about the creature.”

“Who are you?” She raised the bat higher, preparing to swing.

“I’m no one. Just a man who knows you were telling the truth.”

“You don’t look like no one.”

He glanced down at his fine black suit. “My name is Damien Greystone. I am a tailor. From Los Angeles. I’ve seen this creature you spoke of, and I would like to…hunt it and kill it,” he lied.

Really he just wanted to ask the fairy a few questions. Where was it during the blast? Had it been wearing any sort of jewelry—amulets, crystals, metallic substances? Did it have any unusual breeding in its family that made it unique?

Not that he believed these questions would lead to the undoing of what was essentially the death of immortal life on the planet, but a deal was a deal. He would try to gather answers. Hopefully this would be enough to get Cimil off his back.

“So you broke into my house?” Sky growled.

“I am sorry for intruding, but I feared maybe the creature had returned and harmed you. It has been a while since anyone collected the mail.”

She narrowed her lovely brown eyes with natural thick black lashes.

“I truly did not mean to intrude. I promise,” he added. “And now that I see you are okay, I will take my leave.” He turned to go.

“Wait. You’ve really seen those things before?”

He nodded.
