Page 67 of Unlikely Souls

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A growl from deep within my beast's belly started and then erupted from his lips.

“The fuck she is!” he rumbled loudly.

Just then Alley ran into the living room, feet pounding hard on the hardwood floor, looking as if she was ready to go to battle.

“What the hell is going on?” she exclaimed. Ash followed behind her, looking around to make sure everything was okay.

Jumping away from Gyth because she scared the crap out of me, I threw my hand to my chest. Geez, between these two watching my back, nobody stood a chance. They were both warriors and fought for me time and time again.

Taking in the look on her face I couldn’t help but bust up laughing. God, I love this girl. So fierce since the moment I met her. I wasn’t able to imagine my life without her, or Jurnee either.

“What are you laughing at? You scared the shit out of me!”

Getting my giggling under control, I suddenly felt bad. Face serious now, I said, “I am sorry, it’s his fault.” I pointed at Gyth, throwing him under the bus, trying hard to hold back another laugh. “I just told him about my mother’s scheme to set me up and he kinda flipped his shit, that's all.”

“Oh, that. Yeah, I would flip my shit too if I was him. If you think that is bad, though, just wait,” she said to both of us, but her eyes were focused on Gyth. “Come on, Ash, let's get back to the food and let these two finish.”

Once they both padded out of the room, I turned back to Gyth. Moving into his space once more, I placed both hands on his face. “I promise not to take her up on it,” I said teasingly, trying to break up the anger it was clear he possessed right then.

“Don’t make me put you over my knee, Sunshine. You are mine, I don’t care how many men your mother tries to throw at you. Just remember that.”

Pulling my hands from his scruffy, gorgeous face, I took my right hand and gave him a salute. “Yes, sir,” I sassed in a smart-ass tone.

His sexy smirk caused some friction down south and I moaned a little. Would sex with this man, or even something as simple as a kiss, ever get old?

Yeah, nope. Didn’t think that would ever happen.

“You get a five-second head start to your bedroom, babe. Then I am coming after you to do something about any naughty thought you currently have going through your head.”

I turned on my heels and took off running for my room.

Gyth started after me and that is when I heard Alley yell from the kitchen.

“I’ll babysit, Ash, but I don’t want to hear shit through these walls, so muffle it.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


A damn penguin suit.

“I thought we needed help, so I called in a professional on this one,” Braxton said to me, clearly trying his best to hold back a laugh, enjoying this moment all too much.

Not excited about the formal attire required for this event that I agreed on going to with Summer, I groaned a little as we stood looking at tuxes. Of course Braxton and Kace had to come, but we were all still out of our element and I guessed reinforcements were needed.

That’s when Summer’s brother Landon walked our way.

“Never thought I’d see Beast Elliott in a tux,” Kace said, smirking, waiting for the newcomer to reach us.

I flipped him the bird. “Only for Summer. Just wait, your day is coming, asshole,” I told Kace.

Turning, I gave my attention to the new voice in the group.

“You better mean that because I’ve been watching and my sister is attached. You hurt her and you will deal with me.”

I didn’t take offense to that at all. Did I think he could take me, no, but I liked his display of bravado for his sister's sake. She deserved it and Landon was a good man for how he was with Summer. And I had to give it to the guy because I’d seen him out of his suits and tie, in the gym, and Landon was built. He also was way more down-to-earth, and it was obvious that when away from his parents, he was a totally different person.

But I had no intention of hurting his sister, so it would never be an issue.
