Page 20 of Captured

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Fuck, I want to bite that ass until she begs me to stop. Though I’d not admit that little weakness out loud. You never know when it might be used against you.

I had to hold in the growl that wanted to escape my throat as Loki reached for her, pulling her close, and kissing her like he was eating her pussy. He's still got her lipstick smeared across his lips, uncouth bastard.

I hear her giggle behind me, and I grit my teeth so hard I'm sure one will crack, my fists clenching at my sides. I don't want to admit that I might be jealous of him, that a small part of me might want to bathe in her light too.

Shaking those thoughts away, I take a deep inhale and look around to see that we've reached the woods. There are strings of bare bulbs lighting our pathway, to a clearing where the party is. The decorators have done well. The brief was A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which I changed from what had previously been discussed because, if I’m being truthful, I heard a certain English girl comment that it was her favorite Shakespeare play in our class this week.

It does look like a fairyland, with glittering lights hanging from the trees in glass jars, colorful blankets, rugs, and pillows all arranged in groups, and surrounding low wooden tables. Tables which are groaning with delicious delicacies, the best that money can buy. Our fellow students are already lounging around them, talking and laughing as more nymphs bring them wine and food, like this really is the fairy court.

There's even a folk band playing reworks of popular songs, and a circular dance floor edged with flaming torches.

When we arrive, a guy dressed as a nymph, chest bare and sparkling with glitter, passes each of us silver goblets of chilled white wine, Rhenish, I believe. A scantily clad female, wearing some sort of silk scarf that exposes one glittering breast, steps up to Lilly, who's now beside me, and pins a crown of silk flowers in her tumbling brunette hair.

Somehow, they match her garish dress perfectly, and as I look at her, I'm taken aback, the hair rising on my arms and nape by how utterly spellbinding she looks, and the wonder in her eyes. She thanks the woman and takes in the scene.

“It's beautiful,” she whispers in awe, looking around us, her eyes wide and sparkling.

She's practically fucking glowing in the twilight, the candles and fairy lights shining gently on her beautiful face. She is exquisite. I can admit that much. And she seems to belong in these woods, surrounded by fairies and nymphs.

Turning her hazel eyes on me, I’m captured in her gaze, unable to look away, holding my breath.

“Ash organized it just for you, Pretty Girl,” Loki tells her with a smirk, breaking the spell she had woven around me.

“I thought you said that you always host the first party of the year?” she asks him, her eyebrows squashing together, her voice soft and turning to face him.

“We do. It was meant to be a saints and sinners party, but Ash changed the theme yesterday when he heard A Midsummer Night’s Dream was your favourite play,” Loki answers back like a fucking douche. This time, I don’t stop the growl from escaping my lips.Fucking Loki and his big mouth.

“Well, in that case,” she says, turning her gaze back to me, and I can see a delicate flush in her cheeks. “Thank you, Ash. I love it.”

I give Loki a smug look over her shoulder, trying to hide the sudden warmth pooling in my gut at her statement.

“Shall we?” she asks, taking me by my arm in her soft grip, and making my heart race.

“Of course,” I reply, clearing my throat and leading the way to a table that has been left clear just for us.

* * *


As Ash leads us to our table, I am filled with wonder at the sight of the most beautiful party that I’ve ever seen, a sense of giddiness coming over me. It’s like a magical wonderland, full of twinkling lights, and with soft melodic music wrapping round us like a fairy’s spell.

I’m astounded that he did this for me. Why? Up to this point, he’s mostly been in arsehole mode, so why would he suddenly change the party theme just because I like a certain play?

He surprises me further by guiding me to a tasselled, colourful cushion, helping me to sit down like a perfect gentleman, and my heartbeat picks up at the gesture, even as my eyes narrow up at him and his suddenly gentlemanly manner. I’m sure that I don’t look like a lady with my arse hanging out of my micro sixties mini dress, but looking round, at least I’m not the only one almost flashing her lady garden.

Loki passes me my goblet of wine, and I take a sip, my lips tingling with the rich fruity flavour. He sits to my right, Ash on my left, with Kai and Jax opposite us. The low table is positively bursting with all sorts of food that looks fucking amazing. Silver platters with fruit, tarts, cured meats, and a hundred other delicacies cover the surface.

“Here, try this,” Loki says, his fingers coming before my lips, holding what looks like a piece of pear that has been soaked in some kind of sticky sauce.

I open up my mouth, looking him dead in the eye as he places the fruit on my tongue, his pupils wide and his touch lingering. A burst of spicy sweetness erupts in my mouth as I chew, my eyes rolling and a moan sounding from my lips at the same time.

My eyes open to see his fingers, a drop of sauce making its way down his thumb, so before he moves his hand away, I wrap my lips round the digit, sucking the drop off. Passion flares in his eyes, making the emerald shine like the brightest of gems. I’m sure that I hear a groan or two from the other guys at my move.

I release it from my lips with an audible pop and a cheeky lopsided smile.

“Delicious, thank you,” I tell him, our stare off interrupted by Ash offering me a silver tray of canapes.

We settle into eating and chatting about the first week of classes. I’m not going to lie, it was crazy intense, but I loved it. I was so busy and so tired after each day that I didn’t have time to think about anything else. And with sleeping in Loki’s bed every night, him beside me, the nightmares seem to be kept at bay too.
