Page 12 of Elemental Healer

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More like his mate did. If I’d been alone, I’d have rested my head behind me against the wall and sighed. The babies needed to come soon. Jazz was draining of energy faster than I was comfortable with, and I was draining while trying to keep checking on her. However, I wasn’t alone in my room, so I made my way out to the bedroom, where Tessa was giving me weird looks while she stood in her skimpy outfit.

When I didn’t acknowledge her but stood just inside the room, she spoke up. “What side of the bed do you want? Usually when I sleep with a man, I like the right side.”

Lie. Something in that statement, or the whole thing, was a lie. I hated being lied to. Even more, I hated that I knew I was being lied to. The girl wanted me to trust her, but she’d lied to me on something so small.

Then there was the pang in my Love element when she claimed to sleep with other men. I was going insane.

“Say you’ve slept with other men.” Not what I’d meant to say. I was an idiot. I’d meant to have her say she slept on the right side. That’s the truth I wanted to get at. I’d have groaned aloud if she weren’t standing right there.

“What?” She looked at me like I was crazy, and I wanted to agree with her on that observation.

“Fine, say you sleep on the right side.”

Her eyebrows rose and she tilted her chin down. Perfect way to say, “I still think you’re nuts.”

Now I sighed. “Just do it.”

“Fine. I sleep on the right side.” Lie.

“Now say you sleep with other men.”

“You’re insane.”

“Say it.”

“I sleep with other men. Happy?”

Actually, for some stupid, insane, idiotic reason, I was. The girl didn’t sleep with any other men. So why was she lying to me?

“Yup. Now, you like the left side, so get in bed and shut your mouth so we can both sleep.” I walked to the right side of the bed and climbed in.

Without a word, Tessa crawled into the bed on the other side. I usually let my head sleep on one pillow and wrapped my arm around another. It may not have been very manly, but it made me feel not so alone in the night. Nights were my worst, and I hoped that my horrid dreams would cease, even with the face in my nightmares sleeping beside me.

My healing power flared up just as I was falling into sleep’s hold, and I groaned.

“What is it?” Tessa asked, probably as close to sleep as I’d been if her lethargic voice meant anything.

“Jazz’s blood pressure is spiking. I’ll be right back.” I stood from the bed and slipped my shoes on.

Tessa used her elbows to lean up. “Where are you going?”

“Main house. I need to bring her blood pressure down, and I need to touch her to do it. And I need cookies.”

“Go to the house. I’ll grab you some cookies and bring them along.” She rose before I could stop her. Too tired to argue, I only did as she said.

Drew, Tessa and I are coming over.

What’s wrong with Red?

Blood pressure is going up. Nothing to fear. Just going to do a quick exam using physical contact and then you can put her back to bed.

I’ll bring her downstairs.


I will not have a Witch in my bedroom, Healer. I don’t know her, so I don’t trust her.His voice was stern and dared me to contradict him.

The air outside was frigid as I stepped out my front door.I can understand that, Drew, but Tessa is here as part of the treaty meeting. Showing a bit of trust on our part couldn’t hurt, could it? I’ll be right there in the room with her, and so will you.

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