Page 25 of Elemental Healer

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“Don’t like blood?” Drew actually smiled in the doorway, and it softened his features.

“Not especially.”

He shrugged. “From what Cal said, Witch blood tastes a bit metallic, so honestly, I’m not in a rush to try it. And I have drunk from my brothers and a Light once. The Light was pretty bland. Of course, I had nothing but my brothers to compare it to, so it was inevitable that I’d think that. I guess I don’t blame you for not liking blood.”

“Why? You guys taste different from others?”

His smile turned into a smirk. “Don’t ever drink from us, Tessa. You’ll never go back to drinking from a different race.”

Drew turned and left as I mulled that over. When the poison was gone from Jeff’s system, I would have to give his blood a try. Witches drank blood to become more powerful. How powerful could I become after drinking from the Healing and Love Elemental? Could I become powerful enough to destroy his brothers? The thought had potential. I’d have to experiment with it.

Nathaniel wasn’t around, and after an almost useless meeting today, on top of the stress of poisoning the Elemental and having it go wrong, I was exhausted. Pulling the dress over my head and replacing it with the tank top, I slipped into bed beside my roommate. He didn’t stir except to groan at his misery.

I’d intended to ponder on the things I’d learned today and come up with a plan to torture the Elemental beside me, but when my eyes closed, my body relaxed, and I fell asleep.

Knocking at the door, followed by the click of it opening, had me flying up in bed.

“What do you want, Nate?” the body beside me asked.

“Time to get yourselves ready for the dinner.” Nathaniel waltzed into the room, and I flopped back on the bed. The Warlock opened the curtains, and Jeff moaned. “Dalton mentioned you need some blood, Jeff.”

“Wait just a second.” I sat up and glared at my mentor. “You do not let anyone drink from you, Sir. That puts you in a very risky position.”

Nathaniel sat on the edge of the bed. “If it were anyone but you and the Lanshays, Tessa, I wouldn’t do it, but I trust you all.”

Biting my lips between my teeth was the only way to shut my mouth and not tell Nathaniel he was putting his trust in the wrong people.

The Warlock helped the warrior-healer sit up and rest against the headboard. His complexion wasn’t as sickly white anymore; his lips were at least pink now.

“Give me your wrist,” Jeff demanded, and Nathaniel complied without hesitation.

Nathaniel’s body responded to the bite immediately, but not in the way I’d imagined. Instead of wincing or crying out in pain as people did with my bites and the others I’d seen be bitten, Nathaniel’s lips turned up in a little smile and he didn’t flinch away. He even leaned in a little to the Elemental instead of drawing back. What spell did the warrior-healer have over my mentor?

“Gosh, I forgot what that felt like,” Nathaniel gasped when Jeff pulled his teeth from the Warlock’s wrist.

Jeff smiled, humored. “Cal was right. There’s a metallic taste.”

“What, we’re not good enough for you to drink from?” I shot at him, my eyes narrowed his way.

“That’s not what I meant.” Jeff closed his eyes and relaxed. “I was just stating a fact. Besides, everyone tastes different. You probably taste like a lemon.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped back.

His eyes opened and met mine. They were dark and hard. “It means you need to sweeten up, Tessa. Eat a freakin’ cookie.”

Nathaniel only sat there looking entertained by our squabble. “Got an hour before we need to leave. Better get going since Jeff’s dragging and you’re sharing a bathroom.”

I hopped out of the bed and jumped into the shower before Jeff had even begun to rise to his feet. He woke grumpy and I wouldn’t put it past him to use all the hot water on me. Of course, I had to shave every speck of hair off my legs, and my long hair needed attention, lots of attention. So, it really wasn’t my fault when the water had begun to cool as I turned the shower off.

I screamed when a hand entered the shower stall. It held a white fluffy towel.

“I’m assuming you ran me out of hot water?” Jeff’s voice reached me, and I snatched the towel out of his hand and wrapped it snuggly around myself in case he decided to open the curtain.

“Get out.”

“Just trying to help since I didn’t see you bring a towel in. Don’t kill me for being nice. And don’t worry, I’d never think someone so filled with hate could be worth sneaking a peek at.” His words were cold and sarcastic. I didn’t expect it to pierce my heart like it did, and I staggered against the wall as my lungs fought to breathe.

Why did the harsh words of one man make me feel so horrible? I hated the man and was happy he hadn’t snuck a peek. So why did I react this way?
