Page 40 of Elemental Healer

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Damian smiled and nodded. “It has been contemplated so we do not have to steal from others or spend our time hunting. However, we fear for what the humans will do to our herds or the Demons there if we were to attempt such a thing.”

“If you didn’t have to fear humans, would you do it?” Saber asked.

The Demon King nodded. “Yes, we would.”

Lunch came, and again Alex scanned the meal looking for poisons as the food came in. He smirked at me when he was done.

See? One of us knows what they’re doing.

Shut up.

“Jeff, with me.” Alex turned on his heels and headed for the door before I could even take a bite of my lunch.

I turned to Cal.

We’ll keep Nate and Tessa safe. Watch yourself and call if you need help.

Nodding, I left the room.

Alex was waiting at the opposite end of the hallway from the elevator. Before I’d reached him, he’d already begun to move down another hallway. Then he turned right down a shorter hall that ended in a dead end.

“What do you want?” I shouldn’t have snapped at the Elemental, but it had been a long night and I was tired.

“She isn’t good enough for you.” Alex’s words had me taking two steps back.

I knew he could see the confusion in my eyes. “What are you talking about? Who isn’t good enough for me?”

“The Witch girl.”

“And what’s brought this on? It’s not like I’ve attempted to bond with her.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the man. He was taller than Adam, which meant I had to look up at him.

His nose crinkled up. “You smell like her.”

“So, why isn’t she good enough? You’ve never said anything else about my brothers’ mates.”

“She is no one of importance. Our element deserves that. Sylee, Grace, and Sophie all come from good families. The Witch, well, she doesn’t. Stay away from her.”

“So, you don’t like that Drew bonded with Jazz then.” It was a statement, not a question. “And I will bond with who I please.”

“First, you will not. You will bond with someone I agree with. Second, your brother is an Earth Elemental, and as such, he likes dirt.”

His insinuation was clear, and his sneer was evidence he said it to rile me up. I wished I could say it didn’t work, but I loved my sisters, and no Healing Elemental was going to insult them.

My fist connected with Alex’s jaw, but I saw too late that he’d planned for that move. He was fast when he broke some ribs, bruised my jaw, and dislocated my left shoulder. With his opponent on the ground, Alex jumped, vanishing before my eyes.

With a groan, I pulled myself over to a wall and sat against it. He’d taken it easy on me. Alex might be a healer, but like me, he knew how to fight. I’d grown complacent and weak if I couldn’t even defend myself against him. My uncle fought dirty. I should know that by now.

The scent of Lilac assaulted my senses—the same smell that permeated my bathroom these days—and I looked up at the Witch. Her face was lined with concern as she took in my condition.

“What can I do?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the conference room?” What was wrong with Cal, letting her leave?

Her lips quirked up in a smirk as she knelt on the ground beside me, pressing her fingers at my shoulder.

“Technically, they still think I’m there. I have the power to project myself, so as long as no one walks through the projection, they won’t know I’m missing.”

“It’s dislocated,” I informed her, hissing at her prodding. “And do not ever project yourself at me. I am to protect you, so don’t pull this stunt again.”
