Page 41 of Elemental Healer

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She’d moved my arm, and I knew her intent was to put the shoulder back into place, so I sucked in a deep breath and tried to relax until she jerked my arm and I heard a pop. The pain ebbed substantially, and my own healing would take care of the rest quickly.

“What else is there?” She rubbed at my shoulder, making sure everything was fine there.

I laughed. “You’re sure you’re not the healer?”

“Just keeping up on my field medicine.” She laughed, and it sounded wonderful in her deep voice.

“Okay. Well, I’ve got three broken ribs on my right side and my jaw is only bruised. Nothing you can do about either one, I’m afraid.”

“Well, then, let me help you up. There’s still time for you to eat, and after yesterday, you could use the food.”

She helped me to my feet, and we walked back to the room together. Standing in the furthest corner was a copy of Tessa, eating her lunch and watching the crowd. Everyone else was standing or sitting, talking to those around them. No one took a second glance at the girl.

The Tessa with me walked right over to the projection and took its place, scooping food and putting it in her mouth. Neat trick. I’d have to remember she could do that.

Cal’s eyes found mine when I walked back in. My brothers glanced over as well. No one said anything about my bruised cheek or how I lowered myself into a chair with care for my ribs. They’d be healed soon. Alex only smirked from where he sat beside Life, eating his meal.

When everyone had finished, Life called us back to order. “It is now time we hear from Nathaniel, and then we’ll part for the day to ponder on what we’ve learned. I know this isn’t moving fast enough for everyone. I’m sorry. But things learned today will help in the long run, even if only one person takes something from it. Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow, we get to work. Today, however, it is essential that it be like this and short.”

My brothers and I looked at each other. Life didn’t normally talk in riddles.

Nate took his place where Victor and Damian had spoken from as Life moved aside.

“Like Victor and Damian, the Witches do not know their history. Our palace has been stormed and destroyed multiple times during this war. Unlike the Demons, we do not have a place to go that is almost impenetrable to outside forces. We’ve been scattered and come back together many times. We live in the mountains as all fear us.

“We are different from all the races. We are human, but we are different in every other way. We age differently than others; well, we call it aging, but it is also our maturity. I am quite old, over two hundred years, but I am more along the lines of Jonas’ age in maturity.

“Our differences also include how we meet our spouse, for lack of a better word. We call that person our Consort. Not all Witches wait for, or find, their Consort, but those who do consider themselves blessed beyond measure.

“Our Consorts are predestined to be together. They are found through their magic. The male will know his Consort first. His magic will want to flee his body to enter hers. When that happens, she will know she has a Consort. To seal the Consort bond, the female pushes her magic into her male, and his magic will intertwine them so they will never be separated outside of death.”

“Oh my gosh, that’s so romantic,” Sophie sniffled as I stood, hardly breathing.

Life hadn’t spoken in riddles after all. I was the one she spoke about, the one who needed to hear this to save the world.

Nate went on to describe other things about Witches. Most of the information was already well-known fact, so I knew I wasn’t missing anything as I remained too stunned to pay close attention. My whole focus was on the girl in front of me. If what Nate had said was true, and how could it be since I wasn’t a Witch, that would mean Tessa and I were Consorts. She would be my mate.

After all we’d done to each other, fate was cruel to bring us together like this. Yes, we were working toward a friendship, but a bond as strong as an Elemental one took large amounts of trust and even love. Could she love me after I’d humiliated her and tortured her with the alarm? After her conversation with Nate this morning, I knew I could forgive her for her actions, and I’d deserved to be thrown from the balcony for what I’d done.


Cal’s yell in my head startled me, and I jumped. I hadn’t even noticed that Nate had sat down in front of me and Life was closing the meeting.

Are you okay, healer? You’re pale and have been staring into space for the last twenty minutes.

I couldn’t say I was okay. It would be a lie. Okay, yes, physically I was fine, but shock had stolen my “okay” and moved it toward “I think I need to sit down.”

I’ve solved Life’s riddle.My brothers all looked at me.It wasn’t much of a riddle, actually.

And what is it?Adam asked, standing behind his Neutral friends who’d watched and listened to today’s events the most diligently of all of us.

Her words at the beginning, she meant that I needed to take something from what was said today and ponder it. And, yes, it was essential, and I’m still coming to terms with it.

What is it?Chris wasn’t a patient person still as he hopped on the balls of his feet. Standing in a room like this would be killing his energy. The longer a Lightning Elemental stood still, the more their energy rose until they couldn’t not move.

Tessa is my Consort.

Even Chris stopped moving to stare at me.
