Page 42 of Elemental Healer

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I know I’m not a Witch, and I don’t understand it, and to be honest, I don’t know how this is going to work. Tessa and I have had some issues. She doesn’t know, so please keep this to yourselves. I just needed to say it aloud to shake the shock.

You’ll have to tell her.Drew’s voice was calm, and I needed that.

I know. I just don’t know how.

When you say issues, how bad are they?The big guy asked as everyone began to stand.

They’re not good, but I think we’re on the mend.I hoped anyway.

Keep us informed. None of us will say anything. At this time, guys, keep it from your girls. We don’t want any accidental slips.Everyone agreed to the terms Drew set, and we were on our way from the room with our charges.

“Nate, I noticed you and Jonas didn’t finish your conversation at lunch,” Carmon said when we were in the elevator with his crew. “Would you like to ride back with us and finish the discussion? I may also want to eavesdrop.”

To me, he said,Now’s your chance. Take advantage.

My heart sped as the door to the elevator opened to the parking level we needed. How was I going to explain to Tessa that I thought she was my Consort? Would she think this was another trick? She knew I couldn’t lie, but would she believe this was possible?

“Hey, you okay?” Tessa didn’t move to climb into the jeep when I opened her door. “Your jaw still hurting?”

Her hand against my cheek sent my Love element spiraling to the point where our skin touched. I winced at the pressure it put on me to restrain it. Thankfully Tessa thought her touch the cause of my wince and pulled back.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have touched it. It’s still a bit swollen.”

I didn’t help her climb in. I couldn’t touch her. “It’ll teach me to not react emotionally to an abusive Healing Elemental again.”

“Has he always been like that?” she asked as I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine.

I followed Cal from the garage and into the city. “Yeah, but he’s not the worst of them.” I shrugged. “Up until the last few months, it’d been years since we saw any of them. It was better then. Except we were monsters. Just like they created us to be.”

We sat in silence as she stared out the window at the city. She always watched it.

“Do you think we could stop at that hot chocolate place on the next corner? Will it be safe? It just looks so cute.”

“The Cocoa Café?”

“Yeah, that one.”

I put my indicator on and pulled into the parking lot when we reached it. Cal agreed to keep Nate longer. He and Jonas were neck deep in discussion and wouldn’t mind at all to stay together longer.

A few Light stared at us as I helped Tessa from the jeep. Tension rolled from her, and nerves. There were a lot of her enemy around, so I’d have to stay on my toes.

She tried to pull her hand from mine when we were walking to the building, but I kept my grip and she stopped pulling. The bell above the door jingled as we walked in. No one noticed until a customer or two started to stare at us. Soon, we had the attention of everyone in there.

Tessa tensed under their stares and stepped back. Instead of following her lead, I pulled her forward to the front so we could look at the items for sale and place our order. Everyone stared, but I didn’t let it bother me. I was here with the woman who would one day be my everything.

“Find something you like?” I asked her when she’d been staring at the pastries for a time.

“Yeah, but I can’t decide between the lemon muffin and chocolate croissant. Then there’s the giant blueberry muffin. And of course, a large hot cocoa, but it’s the pastries that are driving me crazy.” Her forehead wrinkled in concentration as she listed off the items. She looked so cute trying to decide.

“Hello, Anthony.” I read the name tag of the worker behind the display we looked at. He’d been the one pushed to the front to wait on us. “My name is Jeff, and this is Tessa. She’s visiting my family and me for a bit, and I’m taking her around. Her father is a friend of the family, and she wanted to stop here, so can you help us out?”

I tried to keep my voice upbeat and smiled at him so he’d calm down. His skin had paled, and his hands shook a bit.

“Don’t worry, Anthony.” Tessa looked up and smiled. “I’m not going to do any magic or hurt anyone. I just want to hang out with Jeff, and this place looked so cute. Besides, Jeff’s a Light Captain. I’m sure he could stop me from doing anything if I felt so inclined. Which I don’t.”

The young man stepped forward. He was Neutral, so I didn’t blame him for being nervous. They’d never allowed Neutrals in the military before. He knew he was a sitting duck if Tessa attacked.

“Okay, we’ll take a lemon muffin, chocolate croissant, and a giant blueberry muffin for the young lady. Along with a large hot cocoa. I’ll take an apple fritter and a large hot cocoa.” I pulled my wallet out while the boy grabbed the items I’d requested.

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