Page 64 of Elemental Healer

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I need everyone downstairs now. Wake everyone who is sleeping. I don’t have much time. Jazz is close to delivery. Drew and I will be down in two minutes.

The shock hadn’t worn off yet when I told Jazz and Drew. They were even more floored than I was. Ruby just sat there with an open mouth.

“Drew, we have to go tell the others. Ruby will stay with Jazz. We need to hurry, but I need you there.”

Everyone was finishing making their way to the living room area when Drew and I hurried down the stairs. Like before, I pulled out a chair and stood on it. Tessa was in the crowd, but I didn’t focus on just her. Her curiosity didn’t even affect me because the shock was still so much.

“What’s going on?” Carmon stepped forward. “Drew looks like he’s going to pass out, and you’re shaking.”

“We have good news and we have concerns,” I began. “Good news: the babies and Jazz are doing well. In fact, little miss Lanshay has shown her power already, and Drew’s going to have his hands full, as she knocked me on my butt.”

Grins broke out, and Chris gave a whoop.

“Settle down. She used a lot of power to do it, and I discovered something Cal and I didn’t see before because she’d hidden it from us.”

His eyebrows drew together. “What did we miss?”

“Little girl is a Life Elemental—a seer, Aunt Mercy said—though I have a feeling that isn’t all she can do considering she and little boy number one hid little boy number two on us.”

Mouths fell everywhere.

“Little boy one is an Earth Elemental like his parents. Also, a very powerful infant. Little boy number two is a mutt.”

Drew snorted and shook his head with a smile.

“Mutt?” Sylee asked.

The children’s daddy proceeded to explain. “He has water, earth, air, and lightning in smaller amounts. In all, it means that he controls weather.”

“I’m assuming this all was the good news?” Aunt Lilith asked, worry shining in her eyes. Apparently, Life hadn’t spoken to her sister yet.

“Yes,” I answered. “Listen up, everyone. I spoke with Life. She said that the Mindolin will know when the babies are born and he will come for them.”

The room erupted. I held up my arms.

“Shut up! We have no time. Lady Water is holding him at bay for now. How, I don’t know. Life assures me that the rest of the Elementals will step in to help if it’s needed. We are the last line of defense. Everyone, get ready, because things are only getting worse, and sooner than later. Now, I have some babies to deliver.”

Jeff’s shock still rocked through me, adding to my own. Triplets? Elementals of Life, Earth, and basically Weather. The Mindolin couldn’t get his hands on them. They weren’t even born yet. They deserved a life of fun and happiness with the wonderful parents they had.

Carmon replaced Jefferson on the chair as my Consort and Drew ran up the stairs to Jazz. My Consort looked exhausted. He managed to give me a small smile on his way to the stairs, but his focus wasn’t on me right now, and I was okay with that. He was a healer, the best, and I had to share him with those who needed him right now.

“Okay, everyone, eat something. Rest. Stay in this building. Lady Love,” Carmon looked at his aunt, “I need you to go upstairs and stay with Jeff now. Our most vulnerable people are up there.”

Lilith didn’t wait another second and didn’t object to the youthful Elemental giving her instructions.

Carmon continued addressing everyone as Lady Love left the room. “One at a time, everyone will go with me and Adam to their house, and they will gather things they need for tonight and tomorrow. We’re going to set up the gym as a communal sleeping area. We have bedrooms, but I’d rather we stay together. Now, Jonas and Paul, come with me and Adam.”

The four males left, and the girls headed to the kitchen to start cooking up food for everyone. Nathaniel was helping the rest of the males move equipment in the gym. I wasn’t a cook. Jeff wasn’t either. We were going to starve. It was a fundamental fact.

“Tessa.” Grace called my name and waved me over to the other girls. “Are you okay? You look a little lost.”

“I guess I look how I feel.” My smile was weak, but I still tried. “I…I’m scared.” Tears burned my eyes and I fought not to let any out, but they wouldn’t listen. One escaped and I wiped at it quickly. Sophie came and wrapped me in a hug. “Sorry. I should get a grip, but I’m so scared for those babies.”

Sophie looked me in the eyes. “As long as you or I or anyone else here breathes, that creature will not get his evil hands on those innocent little beings up there. I will not let it happen, and I know you will not either.”

I nodded and wiped my eyes again. “Okay, put me to work. Nothing too much. I can’t boil water.”

The girls looked at me with worried expressions.
