Page 65 of Elemental Healer

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“They’re going to starve or live on cookies,” Grace said in a serious tone. “We have to fix this.”

Grace, Sophie, Sylee, and even Hazel walked me through kitchen basics as we made a variety of food. Nathaniel liked to cook, but he’d never taken the time to truly help me learn.

Nathaniel found me in the kitchen still when it was our turn to go grab our things. I had to wear his robe again since mine was ripped at Jeff’s cabin. At our cabin.

The forest was dark and quiet as we ran to the little cabin. No light flooded the front cleared area. The night we arrived, it had looked so welcoming. Tonight, it looked dark and scary.

Carmon assured us it was safe and no one lurked inside waiting for us—something about his Life element knowing—and we went right in.

Without waiting for anyone’s orders, I ran upstairs and threw stuff in a duffel bag I found in Jeff’s closet. I even threw stuff in for Jeff, hoping I grabbed him everything he needed. If not, his brothers would have to help him out.

Nathaniel opened his door at the same time as me, and we hurried downstairs to where Carmon and Adam waited.

“What are we doing tomorrow, about the meeting?” Nathaniel asked Carmon before we left the house.

“I’ve given Drew two options. We need the treaty in place and to get our militaries rolling. We’ll either go to Mount Pickett or have Nash and Rico come here. I know we don’t know if one of them is the traitor, but the Mindolin will know of the births, and the babies and Jazz will be safer with all of us around. I think Drew is leaning toward staying, but he will make the decision after they are born.”

Nathaniel nodded, and we were on our way. Adam stayed with me as we ran, and I felt a little safer with the big guy, even if he wasn’t Jefferson.

We arrived in time to hear Jazz yelling. Alarm must have shown on my face.

“She’s pushing,” Adam explained. “Jeff told us through the links so we’d not panic.”

“Okay. Just as long as she’s okay.”

“As okay as a woman in labor can be, I’d assume.” He gave a small smile and moved to the next group.

Jazz pushed for an hour before a baby’s cry could be heard.

“Sophie, we’re needed upstairs.” Chris ran over and took her hand, and they ran upstairs.

I looked to Sylee. She smiled. “They’re the babies’ protectors.”

That made sense. As the babies’ protectors, they’d be needed near them in case of danger.

Another baby cry lit the air ten minutes later, and five minutes after that the last little cry could be heard. Tears streaked down my cheeks. Little lives had come into the world, and from the people gathered in the living room and kitchen, smiles and happiness abounding, they were three very loved little lives.

An hour later we hadn’t been updated, but Drew, Jeff, and Chris each carried little bundles down the stairs. Everyone kept their distance so we could all see and not encroach. Watching my Consort smile at the baby in his arms made my insides all mushy, and I couldn’t wait until it was our baby he held.

Drew’s eyes streamed tears and his jaw quivered as he tried to speak. It took him clearing his throat for words to come out.

“I’d like to introduce the newest members of the Lanshay family. This little princess here,” he lifted his little bundle to gently show her off, “is Taylee Ella. Ella was Jazz’s mom’s name. Jeff is holding Tanner Andrew. My name’s not Andrew, but we thought Andrew went better with Tanner. And Chris is holding Torrin Christopher. We’d love to show them off a little more, but their mama wants them back. When things are more settled, we’ll bring family up.”

“No rush, Drew.” Carmon stepped up and gave his brother a slap on the back—the only one who could get away with moving so close right now. “We’re just grateful you brought them down. Congratulations. Tell Jazz we love her and are proud of her.”

“Tessa,” Jefferson called to me. “Come here, please.”

Everyone began dispersing as Drew and Chris started up the stairs. What did Jeff want? I was the last person who should be close to the babies. They had other, more important, family members who wanted to meet them.

“Are you okay?” he asked me when I was by his side. My eyes, though, were locked on the black-haired, round-faced baby in his arms. Seeing my distraction, Jeff introduced me to the baby once more. “This is Tanner. Tanner, you can’t see or hear because you’re sleeping, but this is your Aunt Tessa, or as I like to call her, Noodles.”

I smiled up at Jeff as he smiled down at me. “Life said I’ll be mature enough to bond tomorrow night.” Where had that come from? I blushed and knew he saw it when an emotion I could only describe as lust came to me from him. Even in his exhausted state, he was turned on.

“Come with me, little one. I need to deliver Tanner to his mama. Then I could really use some blood. I’ve reached my limit.”

“I will gladly give you as much as you need.”

Jeff ascended the stairs ahead of me and led us quietly into the bedroom where Jazz rested in Drew’s arms. Ruby was changing linens with Sophie’s help. I felt I should do something, but I was at a loss as to what to do.
