Page 103 of The Edge of Falling

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"So," I said, smiling secretively.

"Oh my gosh. Rosalie, tell me. What is going on?"

"Oliver and I made love, not once, not twice, but several times," I squealed.

She looked at me with wide, shocked eyes and slapped her hand against her mouth. "Oh my God. You're right. I want to scream so much right now. How did this happen? When did this happen? Was it good? Oh my God. Tell me everything."

I laughed. "It happened the other night. We went out with Foster. Foster wanted to come home because he was feeling tired. Anyway, we were going to get a drink, and we stopped on the street, and we were kind of making out and arguing. It was really hot and sexy. I finally said to him, 'Look. You either want to be with me, and we have some fun, and we can keep it secret so Foster doesn't get upset, or don't keep trying to kiss me or whatever because I can't deal with this.'"

"Whoa. What did he say?"

"Hey, what'd you think he said?" I did a little dance. "He looked at me, and he was like, 'I want you, sexy mama.'"

"He did not say that," Alice's jaw dropped.

"No. He didn't, but that would've been kind of cool. He ended up taking me to this really cool, fancy hotel, and he blindfolded me."

"Whoa. That sounds really hot," she said. "How Christian Grey of him."

"Yeah. It was kind of sexy. Anyway, I opened my eyes and took the blindfold off, and there were hundreds of candles in the room and rose petals on the bed. He starts playing Frank Sinatra, and we do this little dance."

"Wow," Alice said, looking awed. "That's so romantic."

"It was so romantic," I said, remembering it and just smiling. "Then we made love. It did hurt a little bit, and there was a little blood, but he was fine about it. I wasn't self-conscious. Alice, when I tell you it was the single most fantastic thing I've ever done in my life, well, that would be a lie because the other times I've slept with him were just as great, if not better. Sex is amazing. Now I know why people go crazy over it."

"Wow," she said. "So you guys are effing or ..."

"I don't really know what we are. We're just having fun and getting to know each other. It's kind of cool because it's all secret. By the way, he doesn't want anyone to know because he's worried that someone will slip in front of Foster, so you can't tell him that you know, okay?"

"Oh no. Really, Rosalie? What? I'm going to give him a look, and he's going to know that I know."

"Just don't give him a look."

"Fine. I'll try. How does it work? Where do you ...?"

"We sneak in kisses here and there. When we go out to eat, under the table, we'll do footsies or rub each other's legs." I smiled at her. "We get it in when we can."

"Foster has no clue?"

"Of course Foster has no clue. If he did, he would've killed us already."

"Oh man. Your brother is so overprotective."

"He's way too overprotective. It's so annoying, but whatever. Tonight, we're going to have so much fun."

"I know. I can't believe we're going to a club in New York City. We have always talked about this."

"I know. We're living our dream, though next week, we really have to start looking for jobs, because I want to buy so many things, and I can't, because I have no income. I know Foster will not be happy if I spend all my money on a new dress or some shoes, and then go begging him to pay my cell phone bill."

"I feel you," she's said, laughing. "First thing on Monday, we'll start looking for a job."

"Yay. Sounds good to me."

"Guess what," Alice said quickly.


"There is this really ..." A knock on the door interrupted her.
