Page 12 of Bites in Paradise

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Another fucking tease.

The need I have for him to sink his teeth into me, to mark me over and over, is making it hard to concentrate. Just as I’m about to snap at him, he plunges two fingers inside of me, making me jump slightly. I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning, but it’s a losing battle.

When I try and move my hips to get more friction, Owen won’t let me. The fingers of his other hand hold me steady. There’s nothing to do but ride whatever wave Owen wants me to be on. I look around us and my heart starts thumping in my chest. We might be adventurous and there were a lot of things I tried when I was a member of Club Sin before my guys came into my life, but this is a new one for me.

I can’t say I don’t like it. I do like being watched, but this is different. This is all about the possibility and not knowing, of the danger of being caught. I can feel my pussy get wetter. When I look into Colt’s blue eyes and then Barrett’s green, both dark and molten with lust, knowing what Owen is doing to me, it’s almost enough to push me over the edge.

Owen won’t let me.

I whimper, “Please.”

Normally my guys would do anything to give me what I want. Not this time. Owen pulls his fingers from me and the need I have to come becomes like the storm on the horizon which threatens to roll in but passes you by and you’re left wanting.

As my body cools and I finish my water, I look between my men. I was so close to telling them at dinner, but I waited a split second too long. Or Owen knew exactly what he was doing, and this dancing thing was just a clever ruse.

Does he know and not want to be told about the baby? Do none of them really want this with me? Is it too soon, even though we knew it was a possibility?

Will telling them ruin the entire vacation?

Barrett’s eyes are narrowed when I meet them. His voice is concerned when he leans toward me, “What’s going on Ella? What’s wrong?”

I shake my head and press my lips together. I’ll be damned if this is where I tell the men I love I’m having their baby. His stare is intense; I don’t know how I haven’t blurted the truth before.

My voice is shaky, no matter how much I wish it was strong and sure, “I want to go back to the cabana.”

I don’t explain why. I don’t tell him what I’m thinking. I simply lay it out there. It’s all I need to do with Barrett because he takes me at my word and trusts me to know my own mind.

He stands abruptly and pulls me out of Owen’s lap before tucking me into his side. He’s so warm and in the Bahamas, I thought it would be too much hot, but I find it’s just right. He warms me up in a way the tropical environment couldn’t, not in a million years.

“Ella’s ready to head out.” He looks between Colt and Owen.

My men keep a close eye on me as we head back to the cabana. I’m barely able to take in anything around me, even though I’ve found it all breathtaking every other second. We’re back in our cabana way too quickly.

I haven’t worked up the nerve I need to spill the beans yet.

It doesn’t matter if I have the gumption to tell them the truth because as I turn to them, I know I have to tell them right now.

“I’m pregnant.”

Well. Shit.

I had intended to make some sort of flowery proclamation about how much I love them and how happy I am to be with them. I was also planning to tell them how they’ve given me everything I’ve wanted except for one thing up to this point, but now all my dreams have come true.

You know, emotional stuff.

I’m pregnantwas at the end of the speech, not the entirety of it. I wring my hands while my mind squirms. There’re too many possibilities for me to fathom at the moment. I take a deep breath to calm myself because this is it—one of those moments I can’t take back and I want to soak it up.

No matter their reaction. I want to remember it. Every single detail.

I look up to see Colt first. He looks like he’s frozen in time, his eyes staring at my belly. I can’t decide if he’s looking at it like an alien is about to burst free or not. I hope not. Talk about ruining a vacation.

I look over at Barrett next, expecting him to be freaking out about the news. My eyebrows shoot up when I find him grinning from ear to ear like the wolf who just found his Little Red Riding Hood. Okay. Not the reaction I was expecting.

Barrett closes the distance between us and wraps me up in his arms. He kisses the top of my head, his voice low and full of love, “I knew it, but hearing you say it out loud is something I didn’t realize I needed.”

I pull back enough for me to look up into his eyes and scoff, “You knew?”

He arches an eyebrow and puffs up his chest. “Of course I knew. There were so many signs, but I was afraid I was wrong.”
