Page 13 of Bites in Paradise

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I giggle and shake my head. “Well, you weren’t wrong.”

He kisses me softly as if he might break me. I was a little afraid of this. I already know it’s going to take some convincing for my men not to treat me with kid gloves. We have needs and those will be met throughout my pregnancy.

Even if I have to seduce and push them into it. They’ll thank me later for it, I’m sure.

Owen is blinking a lot and I’m not sure what to think of it at all. When I look back at Colt, I find a grin is slowly starting to form on his face. Before I can repeat myself or clarify what I’m telling them, I’m in Colt’s arms and he lets out the biggest fucking victory sound I have ever heard.

Not just from him, but in my entire life.

“Um,” I shake my head trying to clear it so I can think.

“You’re pregnant? Are you sure? How long have you known? Is that why you aren’t drinking any alcohol on this trip?” He fires the questions off rapidly, his blue eyes boring into mine. “How are you feeling?”

I reach up and cup his face in my hands speaking straight to his soul. “I’m great, Colt. I promise.” Some of his worry evaporates. “Yes, I’m pregnant and, I’m sure. I’ve only known for little while and yes it’s why I’m not drinking.” I tease him, “Did that answer all your questions?”

He nods, a look of wonder on his face I’ve never seen there before. Being the reason a man looks at a woman that way is profound. Their love has changed me.

Colt puts me back on my feet and I look at Barrett, but he’s not looking at me. When I turn to see what he’s looking at, I’m momentarily stunned. Owen looks broken. It was not the reaction I was expecting from him at all. I thought he’d be the one overjoyed and jumping around like a five-year-old who was given way too much sugar.

I know my mouth is hanging open, but I’m not sure how to process Owen’s reaction. I feel tears well up in my eyes. He doesn’t want this. He’s not ready.


Barrett approaches Owen slowly like he’s a wounded animal. He keeps his voice soft, “Hey man, you okay?”

Owen’s brown eyes are wide and wild when they meet Barrett’s as the first tears start to fall down my cheeks. If I could crawl into myself and hide, I would right now. Owen starts shaking his head, but if he thinks the reality of the situation is going to dislodge itself then he has another thing coming.

I’m pregnant and that’s simply how it is.

“I,” Owen starts, but stops and swallows hard, “I don’t think I can do this. I’m not,” he stops midsentence and looks at me.

I close my eyes trying to fight myself and my reaction. I’ve known about being pregnant for a few days before we came on vacation. I’m springing this on them now. They’re allowed to have whatever reaction they have.

Don’t bullshit yourself, you wanted everyone to be overjoyed.

Of course I did, but two out of three ain’t bad. I think. I’m pretty sure.

“You better get your shit together, Owen,” Barrett growls. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me now and it makes me want to crawl into a hole. “We’re going to be dads and you will be amazing with our child.” I can hear the derision in his voice, “I thought for sure Colt would be the one I’d have to lay into. Not you.”

Colt scoffs, “Whatever man. This is going to be amazing.” Colt pulls me into his arms and his large hand rests on my belly. I can feel the heat of him seeping into me and soothing some of the jagged edges caused by Owen’s reaction. I can hear Owen and Barrett talking in hushed tones, but I don’t focus on it. I’m afraid to. Colt kisses my temple and whispers, “Thank you, Ella.”

My eyes crack open, and I find myself staring into his blue depths. “For what?”

“For this. For you. For making us into a family, a real one.” There’s awe in his voice, “I almost can’t believe we’re going to have a baby. I wanted it so badly, but I was a little afraid to hope for it.”

My smile feels wobbly on my face, but I push through. For him. I push through.

The next thing I know, I’m being pulled out of Colt’s arms and pressed against Owen. I can feel how rapidly his heart is beating and it breaks something in me. I start sobbing against his chest and feel him tense.

“I’m so sorry, little lamb,” he coos, kissing the top of my head. “I don’t know what happened. I had my own suspicions about you being pregnant. I thought I was prepared, but I clearly wasn’t.” He cups my face in his hands and tilts my head up. “I want this. I wish I could take back the last few minutes and be the man you needed me to be in that moment. I’ll always regret it,” he whispers the last words.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I hate it, but I have to ask.

When Owen smiles, one that isn’t forced or contrived, I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “I’m more than okay with this.” Now he lets out a whoop I’m sure everyone at the resort can hear. “I’m going to be a dad.”

His excitement is infectious, and I find the tears drying on my cheeks and a smile overtaking my face. When he slams his mouth down onto mine, it goes from sweet to heated quickly.

Now it’s time to celebrate our future in the best of ways. Naked.
