Page 17 of Bites in Paradise

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“Yeah,” he teased, “any other kids we may have in the future. If you think our little lamb is going to be happy with just one kid, then you’re deluded.” My eyes must have been huge when I looked at him, making him sigh. “You’re going to be an amazing dad. You’re worried about it because you already love this baby more than you thought you could.”

I realized he was right. I was scared, but I’d been scared about things before. I wasn’t going to let fear be bigger than the love for my family.

“How did you get so good at this?” I scoffed, “Why aren’t you freaking out?”

Barrett grinned at me and shrugged one of his giant shoulders. “I am scared. I am freaking out a little, but I love her. She’s going to make this okay. I get the chance to be the father I never had and do it next to my brothers and the love of our lives.”

His words and encouragement brought me out of a place I hated, and I was able to celebrate Ella’s news without the fear drowning me.

I look at Barrett now, that moment long behind us and replaced by even better ones. Like when she walked down the aisle to us and became our wife. Or the doctor appointments where we got to see the little one she was growing like a damn champion. Or any time I get to spend with my family.

They make me a better man and they’ve been doing it for almost all my life. I’d be nothing without them.

“Thank you,” I tell him sincerely.

Barrett leans over and kisses Devon’s forehead. “You would have done the same for me. Let it go. We’re a family and you needed someone to help you. We’re here for that. We’re here for all of it.”

I hand our son over to him and marvel at how small he looks in Barrett’s arms. I take a minute and soak it up. There’s a soft openness about him now which never existed before Ella came back into our lives after we joined the military. How did we survive without her?

Colt is setting up Ella’s tray with the food he brought back with him, more than happy to take care of our little lamb. We all are, but Colt has taken things to another level, especially while Ella’s been pregnant. I have a feeling it’ll always be this way. He has a new purpose in life.

It might sound sappy, but it’s beautiful to watch.

I stand next to Ella’s bed and cup her face in my hands, pressing my lips against hers and hoping she can feel how much love I have for her and how grateful I am.

I know she can when she murmurs against my lips, “I love you too, Owen. Now, move because I’m starving.”

I bark out a laugh and do as our little lamb bids. She’s more than earned the feast set out in front of her. I’m anxious to get everyone back home and settled, but that can wait. For now.
