Page 14 of Summer Muse

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Lane’s eyes soften, his voice a gentle lullaby, “Because I love you, Sweetheart. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the muse I’ve always needed and the only one I’ll need for the rest of my life. We were never a fling. We were always more. I can’t go through this life without you. I won’t do it.”

“You love me?” My eyebrows furrow together and I’m pretty sure my heart is about a second away from beating out of my chest.

The smile Lane gives me is better than the fresh air outside. It’s better than the perfect breakfast or a night on the town. It’s moonlight and sunshine and everything in between.

“I do, 007.” He kisses me gently. “I love you so fucking much.” He pulls back enough to look down at me, his eyes pleading. “Are you going to break my heart and tell me no? Or will you put me out of my misery?”

“You love me,” my voice is unsure for a moment as I search his eyes. I take a few deep breaths, waiting for the moment when everything feels too good to be true and you wake up from the most delicious dream. When I don’t wake up, when this remains my reality, I gasp, “I love you too.”

Lane rears back and throws his head back, letting out a big whoop of victory which has me giggling underneath him. He pulls his hips back just enough and then he’s pushing inside of my pussy, filling me as if he’s sealing our words and our promises to each other.

The pace he sets is slow and measured. His eyes glitter with warmth and happiness as we stare at each other. “Say it again,” he pleads.

“I love you, Lane Daniels. I love you so fucking much.” My nails scrape along his scalp and make him shudder. “I’ll stay here and then I’ll go to Denver with you. We’ll see what happens from there.”

Lane kisses me hard, his pace increasing and our passion growing with every movement of our bodies. This is a promise, a future; it’s everything and then some. I knew it was more than a fling, but I was afraid to let myself really believe it. I was so afraid my heart was going to be broken.

I should have had more faith. But it’s okay. This is better. Now we’re on the same page and we have a plan.

I give myself over to the pleasure and the way it knots in the pit of my stomach, pulling tighter and tighter until I know the only thing for it to do is unravel in bliss. It’s always this way between us and I never want it to end. I don’t think it will now; I’ll fight every single day to make sure of it.

“I’m yours,” I moan right before stars dance across my vision and my body seizes, gripping his length inside of me and begging him for his own release.

“I’m yours,” he echoes me as he fills me one more time and I feel his cum against the back of my channel. “My muse,” he murmurs, “my Calliope.”

I can only hope my parents understand, but I think they will. This vacation was about finding a little slice of happiness before our lives changed again to begin a new chapter with new opportunities. I’ve found even more than I thought I would. More than a fling, more than memories. I’ve found forever.



We’ve been back in Denver for a few days and having my Calliope at my side has made everything better. I appreciated everything life has given me before because I worked hard for them, but now it’s like everything is brighter, sweeter, more.

What my girl doesn’t know and neither does the label is that I have almost an album full of songs now. All of them are because of my girl. I can’t wait to get into the studio and make them real because it will be an ode to her and to our love.

Today we’re heading into WPF Records to meet with Kat and the guys from SO. It seems like almost everything has blown over from my little display of misplaced testosterone just like Kat said it would. With this kind of thing it’s just a matter of time before something else takes center stage and then you become old news.

I knew it would happen and I’m grateful for it. Still, there were a few people waiting for me at the airport. How the fuck they got my flight information, I’ll never know, but it doesn’t matter. The only thing I was worried about was Calli being freaked out, but she squared her shoulders and walked right past them like a fucking boss. I was practically panting because I was so damn turned on by the way she handled it.

I certainly showed her how much I appreciated it when we got back to our place after I gave her a tour and she checked in with her parents. I have to give them credit, they didn’t freak out when we told them that Calli was going to stay with me another week and then move to Denver. I think they both saw it coming. It’s not like I did anything to hide the way I felt about their daughter.

As long as she’s happy, they’re happy.

Calli is fidgeting in the seat next to me as we head to the WPF office and it’s adorable as hell. I try and keep the amusement out of my voice, “You don’t need to be nervous, 007.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” she grumbles. “You consider these people your family. What if they don’t like me?”

I scoff, “First of all, it’s not possible. Have you met you?” She lets out a light giggle and it shoots straight to my heart. Fuck, I love that sound. “I’ve met you and I love you. They’re going to love you too.”

She makes a humming sound and when I glance over at her, she’s biting her bottom lip as if she’s unsure. “Are you sure you shouldn’t go to this meeting on your own? I mean,” she hedges, “it’s not like I have any business with the label.”

“No, you’re coming,” there’s a finality in my words which makes her squirm in her seat. “Fuck,” I groan under my breath. “I can see the way you’re clenching your thighs together, Sweetheart.”

“I can’t help it,” there’s a small whine to her voice. “You did that whole commanding voice thing, and you know what it does to me.”

I bark out a laugh and she joins me a moment later. It’s amazing how even the sexiest things this woman does can also make me laugh. It’s a unique combination, one I revel in. She makes the world around us so much brighter and the heavy so much lighter.

“Have I told you today how much I love you and how lucky I am that I found you sneaking away from your family?”
