Page 15 of Summer Muse

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Her hand covers mine on her thigh and gives it a squeeze. “I read between the lines with the way you woke me up today by eating my pussy,” there’s a tease in her voice as if my cock wasn’t harder than steel already.

“Don’t say shit like that,” I grit out through my teeth. I glance at her, but she doesn’t look sorry at all. “It’s hard enough not to pull over and bury myself inside of your tight pussy. Don’t make it more difficult.”

“Harder. I’m pretty sure you mean don’t make it harder,” she teases me.

I snort out a laugh before I turn up the radio and we spend the rest of the drive singing along to the songs together. She doesn’t believe me when I say she has a great voice, but that’s okay because singing along with her in the car is one of my happy places now and if it’s something that I get to experience with her alone, then I’m not going to argue about it. I want her all to myself anyway.

When we get to the office, Calli is fidgeting, but I grip her hand and lace our fingers together, giving her a big grin as we ride the elevator up. Her smile is a little unsure, but it still takes my breath away. I lean over and kiss her temple, whispering, “You’re so damn beautiful, 007.”

Her smile turns into one which would rival sunshine right before the doors to the elevator slide open. The first person I see is Booker, the guitarist for SO, with the rest of the band behind him. Booker looks between the two of us before a knowing look overtakes his face and he lets out a low whistle.

The next thing I know, my girl is being snatched from me and I scramble to get out of the elevator before the doors close completely. Booker has my Calli wrapped up in a hug, engulfing her and I barely stop myself from throwing a punch. Booker is more than happy with the other half of his soul, Anna, and reminding myself of that is the only thing which stops me from losing my shit.

Booker smirks at me over Calli’s shoulder, who is giggling at the welcome she’s received. Seeing the tension drain from her, even if I wasn’t the one who did it, makes me feel lighter. “I see you got our slugger under control,” Booker’s voice is teasing.

Calli laughs and then the next thing I know she’s being passed around to the rest of the guys in the band. Cole is all smiles when he tells her, “Welcome to the family.”

Elliot, the bassist, assures her, “The ladies are going to love you. You’ll have to join us for Friday Night Beer night.”

Gavin, the drummer, smirks, “Who knew exile could have such good results.” He winks at my girl and then tells me, “You better take her by Banks Ink. so she can meet most of the rest of the family or else the ladies will never let us live it down.”

Cole barks out a laugh and agrees, “Good fucking point. I don’t want to be in the doghouse.”

Calli has a dazed look on her face, but she’s all smiles and doesn’t hesitate to wrap her arm around my waist when I pull her back to me. She swallows hard and there’s a waver in her voice, but her smile is bright, “It’s so nice to meet all of you.” She winces slightly, “My brother would hate me forever if I didn’t ask if it’s possible to get an autograph so I can send it to him.”

“Of course,” Cole’s voice is smooth and not even a little bit offended. “How old is he?”

“Oh, he’s 18. This is the last summer before he heads off to college,” Calli answers as we follow the guys into a conference room.

Cole smirks over his shoulder, “I can do better than an autograph. How about we send the jet to go and get him, then he can come and spend the weekend at the SO mansion where all the WPF artists live while they’re recording?”

Calli stops in the middle of the hallway, her eyes blinking rapidly. The guys stop and turn to her with big, genuine smiles on their faces. “You would do that? For my brother?” She shakes her head, her voice filled with awe, “I don’t understand.”

Booker barks out a laugh and shakes his head. “You’re family. That’s what families do.”

Calli scoffs, “I don’t think that’s true.”

Cole shrugs one shoulder, “Maybe not families which don’t have a jet, but we do.”

“Wow,” she marvels. She swallows hard and nods slowly. “I wouldn’t have to get him anything for Christmas or his birthday ever again.”

We all laugh and then head into the conference room where Kat is waiting for us, a big smile on her face as she takes in my girl. After the introductions, Kat pulls my Calli to the side and they talk in hushed tones. I can barely pull my gaze away from her because she’s so damn beautiful. I knew bringing her here was the right call.

Elliot reaches out and gives my shoulder a squeeze, “Looks like you found the perfect girl.”

I can’t help the goofy grin which overtakes my face. “Yeah.” I tear my eyes away from her and take in the guys around me. “It was exactly like you all described. I saw her and,” I shrug one shoulder, “I just knew.”

They have knowing looks on their faces and I know they’re all thinking about the way they met their own soulmates. It takes a moment, but they shake out of their own memories and focus back on me.

Gavin asks, “Is your girl looking for a job? You know we can make it happen for her.”

I find myself grinning. I didn’t want to get Calli’s hopes up, but I figured that question would be asked. I shrug one shoulder. “She studied communications. You’ll have to ask her about a job. I know she did have some interviews lined up before we met and before I asked her to change all her plans to come here with me.”

Booker laughs and shakes his head. “Man, I don’t know how you landed her, but you better treat her right.” His face goes from happy-go-lucky to serious in a second. “If you don’t, we’ll track you down and beat your ass.”

I don’t doubt the threat for a second, but I’m not worried. I hold my hands up. “Not gonna be necessary. She’s everything.”

The guys all nod knowingly, placated by my answer. By the time we sit down, I’m itching to have my girl next to me. The meeting is pretty standard with us going over where we are and what the plan is now. The label already made a statement when the incident happened and now everything has blown over, so we’re going to just move forward.
