Page 7 of Summer Muse

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“Fucking hell, Calli,” he groans. “That’s right, come all over my cock and squeeze me.”

“Yes,” the word comes out as a hiss as he fucks me harder, chasing his own pleasure.

Our lips are pressed together, our tongues twisting and teasing when he goes over the edge, my pussy squeezing him as the feeling of him swelling inside me prolongs my pleasure. There’s a fleeting moment when I wish, again, for nothing between us, but I push it aside. Nothing can ruin this moment, this feeling, and I have no doubt that his promise was true.

Once our bodies have come back down, our panting breaths mingling, he rises just far enough to stare into my eyes. It feels big, bigger than the both of us. I’m scared of how good it feels to be underneath him, to be in his arms.

Are flings supposed to feel this good? I don’t want to hope for more and I warn my traitorous heart to get with the program. If she doesn’t then heartbreak is on the horizon. Maybe, just maybe, I can get through this vacation with all of myself intact.



I’m supposed to be keeping a low profile, but I can’t anymore, not now with Calli here at the resort. I’m supposed to stay at my cabin and only come out when it’s necessary so people don’t recognize me and post about me on social media. I have a girl to chase and woo, so keeping my head down is off the table now.

I know Kat isn’t going to be happy about it, but I know she’ll also understand. She has one of those epic love stories to tell, along with the rest of the family. Those stories are what love songs are made of—love at first sight and big declarations with all the feelings.

I can’t believe I only met Calli yesterday. It feels like it’s been forever. I never wanted her to leave last night and was barely able to let her go. The way she did what I asked of her without question was a big fucking turn-on for me. When I think about it, my cock lengthens in my pants. I know the only relief I can find is in her tight, wet heat. Then there’s the way she looked all cozy in my space.

I dreamt of her last night wishing she was in my arms. I wanted to make sure she was safe, which I know is ridiculous because the lodge is a safe place. I wouldn’t have been sent here if anyone was afraid for my safety. I sure as fuck would have someone breathing down my neck if anyone suspected anything less.

From everything I’ve seen, Calliope needs someone to watch out for her, to make sure she has everything she needs in this world and so much more. Yesterday, after we gave into our desires, she laid in my arms, and we talked. She blushed the prettiest shade of pink when she told me about not being an outdoor person, but how her parents still chose the Mountain Ridge Resort as a last hurrah family vacation.

I can’t blame her parents for wanting to spend time as a family, but they didn’t even consider my girl and her likes. It doesn’t sit well with me and the longer I’ve had to stew over it, the more it’s churned up my gut. She seemed apologetic when she was talking about it, like she should be ashamed. She’s perfect just the way she is and I’m going to prove it to her even if it’s the last thing I do.

My girl deserves it and so much more.

I’m also going to try and show her that being outdoors isn’t all about being sweaty or doing things you hate. I’m going to try, but at the end of the day, if she still isn’t into doing things outdoors then it’s okay and we’ll figure out other ways to spend our time together. I’ve been here long enough to have already gotten my fill of the area around the resort.

The only reason I’m going to try is because I want to experience it all again through her eyes like it’s the first time. There’s something in my soul telling me it’ll be magical or, at the very least, humorous. But I don’t want to change her into someone else. I just want to see if I can help expand her horizons.

She’s already expanded mine and she has no idea.

I never thought I’d find a woman to complete me. I figured lightning had struck our family so many times that the chances were slim for me. Then I saw Calli, and everything changed.

I practically skip into the dining room, my eyes finding my girl and her family immediately. A few people look at me with recognition in their eyes, but I ignore them. I didn’t exactly spill the beans last night when I was holding Calli, but I did tell her I’m a musician.

It wasn’t like I was trying to keep a secret, not really, and I’m going to tell her. It was just so fucking nice to not have someone falling over themselves because I’m famous or attempt to use me to catapult their own fame. I don’t want that with Calli. I want so much more.

When I walk right over to Calli’s table, I smile down at her. The way she does a double take when she looks up at me has me laughing softly. Leaning down, I kiss her forehead, not caring about her family watching us.

I murmur against her skin, “Morning, 007. Sleep well?” When I stand up, I wink at her and watch an adorable as fuck blush spread. Only then do I spare a glance at her parents and brother who is staring at me with big, round eyes. Yeah, the kid knows who I am, but I ignore it. When I extend my hand to her parents, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, I’m Lane Daniels.”

Her mother looks at me and then her daughter, a knowing look in her eyes, but it’s not judgement. It looks a little like relief. I’ll take it; it’s better than something negative. Her father is more reserved, but his manners take over and he shakes my hand with enough force that it makes me smile.

“It’s nice to meet you, young man,” his voice is deep and questioning. He turns the same look at his daughter before asking me, “Did you meet our Calliope when she snuck off yesterday?”

Calli tenses and my lips press together in a thin line. When I reach over and rest my hand on the nape of her neck, I feel her relax under my palm and it makes me feel damn good about myself. I want to be the person who helps her relax, her safe haven.

“Well,” I look down at her to find her eyes looking back at me, so much hope there, “I was hoping to steal her today.” The way her lips curve into a small smile just for me tugs at my heart. Then there’s the heat in her gaze and I fight myself to not grab her and throw her over my shoulder to do wicked things to her. I wink at her and then turn back to her parents. “If you don’t mind, that is.”

I put on my most winning smile and I swear her mom melts a little bit. Her father is less impressed, but then again, I wouldn’t expect anything different. If Calli was my daughter I wouldn’t be pleased with some disgraced musician sniffing around her, even if he doesn’t really know who I am.

When I glance at her brother, Will, I swear his eyes are about to bug out of his head. I send up a prayer that he’s not about to out me to everyone. Calli not knowing the specifics has kind of been heaven, even though I have every intention of spilling the beans today regardless. A future can’t be built on a lie; at least I don’t want it to be. Not ours.

“I think we can spare her today,” her mom’s voice is chipper, and I almost laugh because I swear I can see her mentally picking out China patterns. She’s not far off and the thought doesn’t strike fear in my heart the same way it would have with any other woman. With Calli as my future, China patterns are the tip of the iceberg. “We were going to go out on the lake today and I know it’s not something Calli was looking forward to.”

My girl shoots me a relieved look right before her brother finally gets his shit together and sputters, “Holy shit, you’re Lane Daniels. The musician.”
