Page 8 of Summer Muse

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I don’t hesitate to reach down and grab Calli’s hand, pulling her up and giving a little wave. “It was nice meeting you all. How about we have dinner tonight?”

Her mom flashes me a bright smile right before I turn, pulling my girl behind me, not bothering to give Will an answer. It wasn’t like I changed my damn name or anything. I wasn’t telling a lie; I just didn’t lead with the full scope of things.

I’m surprised as fuck when it isn’t until we’re outside and on our way to my cabin that Calli questions me. “What did Will mean? Musician?”

I’m able to pull her a few more steps before her feet dig in. I’m not willing to yank her or hurt her in any way so I turn, knowing the full story is coming out now. When I look in her eyes, there is only curiosity there and, somehow, not seeing guilt, regret or worry there makes it easier.

I let everything tumble out of me. I tell her about leaving home in search of the impossible—a career in music under the spotlight. I tell her about writing some songs along the way and finding some success.

Still, I wanted more. Calli’s focus is intent as I tell her about finally getting a contract with WPF Records and how much it meant to me. Not only because it’s allowed me to write some songs here and there for different bands, but because it’s allowed me to tour on my own merit.

When I take a breath, my girl is right there, wrapping her arms around me and looking up at me with wide eyes. “That’s so amazing, Lane. You’re living your dream. I’m so proud of you.”

I didn’t realize someone, a grown fucking woman, being proud of me would mean so much, but it warms some part of me I didn’t realize was cold. I know my parents are proud of me and brag about me, but they have to be. Calli sure as fuck doesn’t have to be proud of me and I would understand if she was mad for not leading with this.

I frown slightly at the thought as a knowing mischievousness sparks in her eyes. Her tone is sassy as fuck, “You thought I’d be mad because you didn’t tell me you were a famous musician before you,” she trails off.

I smirk at her and take the opportunity, pulling her into me and leaning down to whisper in her ear, “Made you come so hard you saw stars, 007?”

The laugh she lets out seems to fill the entire resort, making the colors brighter and the oxygen cleaner. I blink at her, watching and experiencing a transformation which reminds me how fucking lucky I am that I was in the right place at the right time to meet this woman.

“Yeah, that,” she whispers and the innocence of it, even though I know what it feels like to be buried inside of her, almost has my knees buckling.

I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself, my voice husky, “You aren’t?”

“No,” she snorts, “if I was famous, I wouldn’t exactly lead with that information. People suck sometimes and like using others.” She looks at me seriously and shrugs one shoulder, her voice sincere, “I get it, Lane,”

I swallow hard and mutter, “I don’t deserve you, Sweetheart. You’re so fucking special.”

She blushes for me with my words which is not helping curb the wicked thoughts in my head. There’s no time like the present and I have more to come clean about. I let the rest of it out with a rush of words and a whole lot of sordid truth. I tell her about how I’m hiding out here and why.

When I’m done, she shakes her head, biting her lip like she’s trying to stop from smiling. “You really punched him?”

I nod solemnly. “I did.” I cock my head to the side as I realize something. “You know, until right now when I knew I’d have to tell you, I wasn’t even sorry or ashamed about it. Only the thought of you being disappointed in me made me consider that I didn’t do the right thing.”

Calliope reaches up and cups my jaw in her hands, her delicate fingers running through my beard and making me want to fucking purr for her. “I’m not disappointed. That guy was out of line, and you defended your sister.” She grimaces slightly. “Could you have done it differently? Probably, but you did what you did and that’s just how it is.”

When she pulls me down to her and kisses my lips softly, it’s like a dam breaks inside of me. I attack her with even more than I allowed myself yesterday, taking control of the kiss. I didn’t even realize I was holding myself back from her because I hadn’t told her the entire truth. Now, with nothing unsaid between us except for the feelings I know we both have, even if it is too soon, I don’t feel anything holding me back.

When Calli moans into my mouth, I’m tempted to take her down to the ground, not giving a flying fuck about who could walk by. It takes a tremendous amount of will power to pull back from her. We stare into each other’s eyes, our chests heaving in time.

“I’m damn tempted to take you back to my cabin and stripping you, 007, but I have something else in mind for today.”

“Oh?” Her eyes light up before she narrows her eyes at me, her voice skeptical, “What is it?”

I bark out a laugh before threading our fingers together and leading her toward one of the hiking trails. “We’re going to try a little nature today, my Calli.”

“Nature,” she deadpans.

I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it. “I promise, it’s going to be a short hike and it’s easy. There’s a gorgeous spot I want to show you. If it is too much, then just tell me and we’ll turn around. I promise. No pressure and it’s nothing like what I’m sure your family would make you endure. Think of it like a toe in the water of nature.”

She sighs overly dramatically before leaning into me with more of her weight, making me chuckle. When she puts her free hand to her forehead, I start laughing and she giggles. “Fine,” she draws the word out like a fucking brat, but I know it’s all for fun by the luminous smile on her face. “Show me this nature that everyone is so fond of. But,” she points at me with an accusing finger, “if I see a single spider, I am out of there so fast.”

I stop and pull her to me, kissing her long and deep, a promise of a reward at the end of our day, one I will follow through on. I murmur against her lips, “You got it, 007. Spiders are the parachute of your nature adventure.”

“Damn right,” she giggles as we start up again, my heart and soul feeling lighter than it has in a long fucking time.

She’s it for me. She’s my laughter. She’s my silver lining. She’s my muse. I’m not letting her go.
