Page 9 of Summer Muse

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I have allowed Lane to be in charge of activities, which have included things outdoors, for the last two days. While it hasn’t been horrible, I think I’m about done with it. At least for today. That’s why I’m sneaking out of Lane’s cabin this morning to head back to the lodge and I can only hope my family has already gone on some great adventure for the day.

They were surprised as hell at dinner the other night when I excitedly told them about the spot Lane took me to. It was a breathtaking view of the lake and I know it probably pales in comparison to other vistas you can find by going farther on the trails. What I saw was more than enough and I felt like I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Can they really want more from me?

“That’s great, honey,” my mom cooed, a genuine smile on her face and appreciation in her eyes when she looked at Lane who looked like a preening peacock.

Dad grumbled, “You’re supposed to be doing those things with us on this trip. That’s what your mom wanted.”

Mom waved her hand dismissively and I swear she could hear wedding bells or something as she looked at Lane. “Don’t be silly. I just want everyone to enjoy their time here.” When my father clenched his jaw, my mom rolled her eyes and shot me a look. “We were planning on spending some time at the pool tomorrow afternoon, how about you both join us? It’s outdoor light.”

Will groaned, I’m sure some hormonal teenage response with being at the pool with his sister, but I ignored him. I don’t want to admit how good it felt to hang out with my family and Lane at the pool. Some people stared at Lane, but he brushed it off easily and we all had a great time.

I think I got a little too much sun though. I woke up today, wrapped up in Lane’s arms in his cabin and I realized I needed to put a little distance between us and between me and the outdoors. I was dancing with a lot of devils and had enough of it. I needed some time to just curl up somewhere and feel normal.

Practically shacking up with a musician in hiding is not normal. At least not for me.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I find the room empty since my parents and brother had plans to go out hiking early today. I know, in my head, I should feel guilty for not going with them, but I don’t. There are so many other things to do, and I will be hanging out with just mom tomorrow night for the sip and paint thing which will be a lot of fun.

My parents have dancing lessons tomorrow which will leave Will on his own to entertain himself. I guess they’re okay with us spreading our wings a little from time to time on this trip. I’ve spread more than my wings, but I digress.

By the time I get down to the dining room, it’s almost empty. I eat some breakfast and my heart sinks a little because Lane doesn’t show up. I mean, I’m not sure I expected him to. We spent a lot of the night exploring each other’s bodies before I fell asleep as he sang to me while working on a few new songs. I have no idea how late he stayed up.

He’s probably still asleep.

Even as I tell myself that, part of me worries he’ll be happy to finally be rid of me. Maybe he wants to move onto the next girl. There were certainly enough of them eyeing him around the pool. Not like I can blame them; he’s fucking hot.

Then with his shirt off and he’s showing off the tattoos he has on his back? Yeah, I had to check myself for drool more than once. He’s a walking wet dream before he even opens his mouth. I’m not sure I understand what attracted him to me in the first place. It seems like we have nothing in common.

Still, when I’m around him, everything feels so right. It’s dangerous as fuck for me to have these kinds of thoughts and I push them aside as I grab my tote bag and head toward the game room. Do I walk the longer way to avoid Lane’s cabin? Maybe.

Okay, definitely, but can you blame me?

I need to give him an out, if for no other reason than to prove to myself he’s really into me. Even if this can’t be more than a little summer fling. We only have a few more days of vacation and then that’s it.

As I think about it, I feel tears spring to my eyes. I hate the thought of leaving him. The job prospects and moving out of my parent’s house, two things which were fueling me before, don’t seem that appealing right now. Anything less than a future where Lane is involved seems dull and boring.

Still, I have no idea what a future with Lane in it looks like. It feels like a pipe dream.

When I get into the game room, I’m not surprised to find there aren’t a lot of people. I’m sure everyone is more than happy to spend the days outside. I must admit, the idea is more appealing now than it was when we were coming here. Some of the chairs look comfy and that’s where I head, pulling a book out of my bag and settling in.

I need to get lost in a fantasy world for a little while and let my brain mull over all the real-life stuff which feels far too fucking heavy today. I want this to work out with Lane, but how could it possibly? I feel so much more for him than I have anyone else in my life, but is it sustainable? How could it work? We do the long distance thing?

The questions swirl in my subconscious even as I read and it’s about to drive me up the wall. I’m about ready to snap my book closed and admit defeat when a shadow falls over me. I know who it is immediately. If I hadn’t been so lost in thought, I would have known he was here by the way my body is attuned to him already, but I was worrying myself silly instead.

“What are you doing here, 007?” There’s a hint of vulnerability in his voice which has me looking up at him to find his dark eyes watching me curiously. “You weren’t in my arms when I woke up.” With a huff he sits down next to me before admitting quietly, “I didn’t like it. Not at all.”

So much is right there on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t say any of it. How can I? He’s fucking famous and I’m just a girl who doesn’t have a full-time job and student debt. How the fuck is this all going to work out?

“I just wasn’t into another day spent outside. I needed some indoor time and I thought this might be the place to find it,” I admit part of the truth. Well, most of it.

“You could have told me, Sweetheart. Considering you’ve never been an outside type, you’ve done far more than I thought you would. Hell,” he scoffs with pride written on his face, “you hiked.”

“Not very far,” I grumble to counter him.

The fierce look he’s giving me has my ovaries standing up at attention ready to go into battle. “Don’t do that. It doesn’t matter if you went a long way or not. You did it and you enjoyed it. That’s all that matters.”
