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“I could use some exercise. I’ll change into my sweats and meet you in thirty minutes,” he said, turning away.

“You said fifteen minutes. Why thirty, are you trying to get out of it?” I teased.

“Not at all. I am giving you extra time to go down to the store in the lobby and find yourself something for you to keep up with me in,” Asher teased back. “That’s right. I’m about to win this round.”

“Did you just turn my offer to take a walk into a competition?” I crossed my arms. “If so, you made a mistake. I ran track in school, I can out-walk you any day, Mr. Corporate Man.”

“Is that right?” He said more than asked. “You might want to look in the glass hutch in the living room before you bet any money on that.”

Let me guess, he’s a runner too. I really need to do my research before I taunt him again. Why didn’t I think of that before? I’m gonna research him to get a better feel for who I’m marrying.

I went back to my room and called to Halima, then told Gunner where I was going. He decided to follow me down, just in case. The store wasn’t very big, but I was able to find a fancy sweat suit and fancy sneakers. They would have to do. I made Gunner get a sweat suit too, since he was going to have to come with us. On the elevator back up to the suite, my fingers itched to punch in PH 2, instead of PH 1. I really wanted a peek at his style.

“What’s the creased eyebrows about?” Gunner’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about something,” I answered.

“That ‘something’ often seems to be you thinking about doing something you shouldn’t.” Gunner said.

“Fine, I wanted to push the button for PH 2 and take a peek in Asher’s suite,” I said, frustrated from knowing I shouldn’t, but really wanting to.

“Were you now?” Gunners eyebrows raised. “You can’t go in there.”

“I wasn’t going to go in, I just wanted to look from the elevator,” I said lightheartedly. “There’s still time. Close your eyes then you won’t see me look. Deniability and all that.”

“Solitaire, don’t do it. Maybe he wants to surprise you or something.” Gunner said.

Surprise me?

Chapter 34


I’ll show her who’s better at walking. Do you hear yourself? Who’s better at walking?

I was distracted during the last call I had to make, so much so that I ended it early. I had surprised myself, actually looking forward to going out for a walk. I couldn’t remember when the last time was that I acted like a normal human being when I traveled. I’d been to Paris hundreds of times and eventually I got around to seeing everything worthy of seeing, including places that weren’t on the tourist list of best places. Those were the places I really wanted to show Imogen.

My cell chimed that the elevator was on its way up, then it went to PH 2.

Oh no! They went to the wrong Penthouse. They’re going to see Asher’s place and see that it’s not under construction.

I hurried to the emergency staircase. I needed to be there when she found out I lied. My cell chimed again. The elevator was at PH 1.

That was a close one.

I went to the elevator doors to wait for them. I stopped at the glass hutch to check my hair.

Now I’m checking my hair. What’s happening to me?

One thing I knew was about to happen to me was that I was going to be busted for lying. Right in front of me in the case were all my trophies. I had just discovered one more thing I messed up. The trophies in the case were in my real name, not Asher’s. I reached in and pushed the ones with my name behind the others. I pulled the one with both our names on it to the front. The elevator doors opened.

“Hey you two, how was the shopping trip?” I asked, keeping it light, too light apparently by the way Gunner was looking at me. “You guys get lost on the way up?”

“I hit the wrong Penthouse number. I was really surprised when the doors opened to the other one though,” Imogen said, still standing in the open elevator.

“You mean because you weren’t in my suite. I’ll bet that did surprise you,” I said, waving them out of the elevator. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

Gunner and Imogen stood staring at me. “What’s wrong with you two?” I asked, pulling my cell out of my pocket as a distraction. “Did something happen?”
